Walter Sherwood's Probation Page 11
"I shall do so."
"And you may be sure that I shall not call upon her without aninvitation. It is hardly necessary to say this, as I leave townto-morrow, and it may be a long time before I visit Glenwood again."
Murdock heard this with satisfaction, for Walter's good looks and theevident favor with which he was regarded by Laura Longwood had made himjealous. He could not help, however, launching a final sarcasm.
"Don't think me unkind, my good fellow!" he said patronizingly. "I feelkindly disposed and as a proof will ask you to send round a bottle ofyour balm to my office. Shall I pay for it in advance?"
"No. I will mention your request to the professor, and he will probablybe glad to furnish you with his medicine. Goodnight!"
They had reached the hotel, and Walter entered.
"That fellow is a snob," he said to himself. "He wishes me to feel thatone in my position cannot be a gentleman. If he is one, I don't wantto be. All his sneers won't make me ashamed of earning my living by anhonest use of any gift that God has given me."
Three months passed without any incident worth recording. ProfessorRobinson's success was variable, but upon the whole he had reason tofeel encouraged. He was an excellent salesman, and his balm, though itcould not perform all the wonderful cures claimed for it, really hadmerit, and this helped materially.
So far as Walter was concerned, he found the professor an indulgent andhonorable employer, whose word was as good as his bond. Every Saturdaynight there was a statement of sales for the week, and Walter was paidhis commission of ten per cent. Though he was obliged to make somedisbursements, the largest being for a suit of clothes, he foundhimself, at the end of fourteen weeks, possessed of a balance of ahundred dollars. This was a source of great satisfaction to Walter, whohad known in Chicago how inconvenient it was to be without money.
One day the professor found himself in a Minnesota village. He hadsecured a vacant lot on the principal street for the display of hismerchandise. He met with rather unusual success, a local celebrationhaving drawn a considerable crowd to the town of Warwick. Walter, afterplaying on the violin, passed among the crowd with a supply of bottlesof balm, while the professor was expatiating in an eloquent manner uponits merits. Among the crowd his attention was drawn to a roughly dressedman, in hunting costume, wearing a sombrero with a broad brim. His facewas dark and his expression sinister. His eyes were very black and keen.He looked like a Spaniard, and the thought came to Waiter that he wouldmake an ideal highway-man. He was leaning carelessly against the fencethat separated the lot from the street. As Walter approached he movedslightly and accosted him.
"Say, young feller, is it all true that he"--with a jerk of his handtoward the professor--"says about this balm?"
"Yes, sir," answered Walter, in a business-like tone. "It is a veryvaluable remedy in all cases of bruise, sprain, rheumatism, headache,and other kindred troubles. Can I sell you a bottle?"
"Well, I don't mind," and the stranger drew out a silver quarter andtendered it in payment.
"Do you sell much of this stuff?" he asked carelessly.
"Yes, we have large sales."
"You are making money fast, I reckon?"
"We are doing very well," answered Walter, cautiously.
"It's an easy life to lead."
"Not so very easy. We are on the road early and late."
"Do you stop here overnight?"
"No; I think we will push on to Fremont."
"You'll get there late."
"Perhaps so. We shall not commence our sales till to-morrow.
"Why is he so inquisitive?" thought Walter, and as he turned back toscan once more the face of his recent customer he became more and moredistrustful of him.
"Does that man live in town?" he inquired of a boy.
"Who? That man leaning against the fence?"
The boy shook his head.
"I never saw him before," he said. "I guess he came to the celebration."
When the sale was over Walter and the professor went to the hotel forsupper. Walter caught sight of the mysterious stranger in the barroom,and could not avoid seeing that he himself was an object of attention.Why this should be he did not understand. If only he were a mind-readerand could interpret the man's thoughts it would have relievedhis anxiety, for in spite of himself he was becoming anxious andapprehensive, though he could not explain why.
At supper the stranger sat opposite him. He ate heartily and withgreat rapidity, yet found time to glance repeatedly at Walter and hisemployer, as if he felt an interest in them.
Walter sought the professor after supper and communicated to him hisfears.
Professor Robinson shrugged his shoulders.
"Your imagination is running away with you," he said. "I don't seeanything extraordinary about this stranger, except that he is far fromgood-looking."
"Don't you think he has a sinister look?"
"He is as homely as the ace of spades, if that is what you mean. Supposehe is. All homely men are not suspicious characters. If they were, howwould we be judged?" and the professor laughed in a jolly way.
"You have quite decided to go through to Fremont this evening?"
"Yes; I want to reach Stillman on Saturday--there is to be a county fairthere--and to make it in time we must be moving to-night."
Of course, there was no more to be said. Walter did not care tointerfere with the professor's plans, and he was ashamed to admit thathe was nervous and alarmed. Perhaps his fears were groundless. Hebegan to think so when at seven o'clock the stable-boy brought round apowerful black horse to the front of the inn, and the stranger who hadgiven him so much anxiety vaulted into the saddle and rode away, withouteven turning to look at him.
"Who is that fellow?" he asked of an old man who stood near, smoking aclay pipe.
The old man looked thoughtfully at the stranger, who had now ridden outof the yard.
"Seems to me I've seen that face before," he said slowly, "but I can'trightly tell where."
"He doesn't look like a farmer."
"No. If he lived anywhere within twenty miles I'd know him. He's astranger."
"His looks don't recommend him."
"You're right there, boy."
"I shouldn't be surprised to hear that he was an outlaw."
"One of Jesse James' band, mayhap," suggested the old man, with a smile.
"Yes, he looks it."
"Well, he's gone, so he won't trouble us."
This was a consoling thought to Walter. He carried a hundred dollars inhis pocket, and he had worked too hard for it to feel reconciled to itsloss. The stranger, judging from his appearance, was quite capable ofrelieving him of it; but now he had ridden away, doubtless on businessof his own, and the chances were that they would never meet again.
About eight o'clock Professor Robinson's team was brought round to thedoor, and he and Walter clambered upon the seat and were under way.
"Were you ever robbed, professor?" asked Walter.
The professor smiled.
"Yes," he said.
"By a highwayman?"
"No, by my assistant, a young man who occupied your place. He had beenwith me four weeks, and I reposed a good deal of confidence in him, as Ido in you."
"I hope you won't repent your confidence in me, professor."
"I am sure I shall not. But to come back to my story, Charles Wright wasa good-looking, smooth-faced fellow of twenty, and had a good turn forbusiness. The trouble with him was that he was extravagant and never hada cent ahead."
"Did he earn as much as I do?"
"Yes, for business with me was unusually good at the time he was withme. However, he never could save money. Usually we occupied differentrooms at the hotels we stopped at, but one night the hotel was crowdedand we were obliged to room together. Now, as you know, I am a soundsleeper. I am asleep five minutes after my head touches the pillow, andeven a thunder-storm during the n
ight would scarcely waken me. On someaccounts this is an advantage, but, as you will see, it turned outunluckily for me on the night I am speaking of. I awoke at the usualtime--seven o'clock--and on opening my eyes I saw at once that my youngassistant was not in the room. This gave me no uneasiness. I presumedthat he had waked after a good night's sleep and was taking a morningwalk. I rose from the bed, put on my clothes leisurely, and it was onlyafter I was completely dressed that I felt in my pocket for my wallet.Then I made a startling discovery. The wallet was gone!"
"Was there much money in it?"
"About a hundred and ten dollars. Fortunately I had about fifty dollars,besides, in another pocket, so that I was not left quite penniless."
"Was your assistant the thief?"
"There is no doubt about it. He had gone downstairs at five o'clock,told the clerk he was going for a walk, and did not show up after that."
"Have you seen or heard of him since?"
"No; I may meet him again some time, but I doubt if I should have himarrested. He injured himself more than he did me. I lost a hundreddollars or more, but he lost a good place and his character for honesty.Depend upon it, Walter, honesty is the best policy in the long run."
"I am sure of that, sir."
Four miles from the hotel they entered a wood, through which the roadran for half a mile. It was dark, but not completely dark. A few starssent down a faint light. By the light of these stars Walter descried aman, mounted on a large horse, stationed motionless in the middle of theroad, apparently waiting for them to come up.
"Professor," he exclaimed, clutching his employer by the arm, "that'sthe man we saw at the hotel."
The professor was startled at the exclamation, but was unwilling tobelieve that the man before him was a highwayman.
"My friend," he said, "won't you move to one side? You are in my path."
"We have a little business together," said the horseman, grimly, as hedrew out and presented a revolver, "that must be attended to first."
"Do you wish a bottle of balm?" inquired Professor Robinson, in atremulous voice.
"No; you may need one yourself unless we come to terms."
"What do you mean?"
"Hand over your pocketbook, old man, and be quick about it."
"I presume you are joking," said the professor nervously.
"You won't find it much of a joke!"
"Are you a--highwayman?" gasped the professor.
The other gave a quick, short laugh.
"You may call me that if you like," he said.
Now, Professor Robinson had, as was natural, a decided objection tosurrendering his money, and, though there seemed little chance ofproducing an effect on the mind of the outlaw, ventured to remonstrate.
"My friend," he said, "if you are in want, I will lend, nay, give youfive dollars, out of a spirit of humanity; but I trust you will notjeopardize your liberty by descending to robbery."
"Five dollars won't do, old man! Hand over your wallet, with all thereis in it, and dry up that Sunday-school talk."
"What shall I do, Walter?" asked the poor professor.
"I am afraid you will have to let him have it, professor."
"That's where your head is level, boy!" said the highwayman approvingly."Just fling over your wallet, and be quick about it."
"Tell him to ride up and get it," said Walter, in an undertone.
Though the professor did not understand Walter's object in suggestingthis, he was in a mood to be guided by any one, and repeated Walter'swords.
"Anything to oblige," said the stranger.
"Don't give it to him till I say the word," whispered Walter.
The highwayman, lowering his revolver, rode up alongside of the wagonand held out his hand for the wallet.
Walter had conceived a bold scheme for disarming him and rendering himharmless.
"Give the wallet to me, professor," he said.
His employer meekly obeyed.
Then Walter, rising, dropped the wallet on the floor of the wagon,and reaching over suddenly grasped the revolver from the unsuspectingrobber, and before he recovered from his amazement brought down the whipwith terrible force on the flanks of his horse. The startled animal gavea spring that nearly unseated his rider and dashed madly down the road.
The robber was furious. As soon as he could he regained control of hissteed and galloped back.
"Give me that revolver!" he shouted, in a rage.
Walter held the weapon in his hand and steadily pointed it at its lateowner.
"I'll give you the contents if you don't ride off."
"Confound you, you young rascal! If you don't give me back my weaponI'll kill you!"
It was an empty threat, as Walter well knew.
"Do you hear me?" he said quietly.
The robber scanned him curiously. He had thought him a mere boy, withoutspirit or courage. Now he was compelled to revise his opinion of him.Threats would not answer. He must have recourse to strategy.
"You're smart, youngster. I'll give you credit for that," he said, in amilder tone. "You've got the best of me, I admit."
"Yes," answered Walter, "I have the advantage of you."
"I meant to take your money, but I won't do it now."
"Thank you!" said Walter, with an ironical smile.
"Just give me back that weapon of mine, and I'll ride off and let youalone."
"I don't think it would be wise."
The highwayman frowned.
"Don't be a fool, youngster!" he said. "Do you doubt my word?"
"I don't know you well enough to decide whether you are to be trusted,but I guess I'll keep the revolver."
"Then you will have robbed me."
"Walter," said the professor nervously, "perhaps you had better give himback his weapon. He has promised not to molest us further."
"That's where you talk sense, old man," said the robber approvingly."You're a gentleman, you are."
"You hear, Walter?"
"Yes, youngster, you hear? Give me back my weapon and we'll partfriends."
"And I trust, my friend, you will see the error of your ways and adoptsome honest business."
"I will, old man, believe me!" said the robber, in a melodramatic tone."I was not always thus."
"You will have my best wishes for your prosperity, and if you are inneed I will give you five dollars."
"No, I will not take advantage of your liberal offer. Only give me therevolver and I will ride away."
"Come, Walter, give the man his revolver."
"Professor," said Walter, quietly, "you must excuse me, I can't complywith your request. This man is humbugging you. If I give him back therevolver you will have to give him your wallet too."
"Didn't I promise to ride away?" demanded the outlaw, angrily.
"Yes; but I have no confidence in your promise. Now, go at once, or Ifire!"
Walter pointed the revolver full at the robber's head. He met theunflinching gaze of Walter's resolute eyes and saw that our hero was inearnest.
"Do you mean to keep my property?" he demanded hoarsely.
"No; come round to the hotel in Fremont to-morrow morning and you shallhave your weapon."
With an execration the outlaw turned his horse and dashed off at fullspeed.
"There, he is gone!" said Walter, sinking back in his seat with an airof relief. His nerves had been at high tension, though he was outwardlycalm, for he knew that he had to deal with a desperate man, and feared asudden attack, which might have resulted disastrously for him.
"I don't know whether you have done right, Walter," said the professor,in a tone of mild deprecation.
"Surely, professor, you would not have had me give back the revolver?"
"He promised to ride off and leave us to ourselves."
"What is the word of such a man worth? He would have ridden off, but hewould have carried with him your wallet and mine. Was there much moneyin yours
"Two hundred and fifty dollars."
"That's too much to lose. Take my advice, professor, and put the greaterpart of the money in one of your pockets. That is what I have done, forI suspected that this gentleman would lie in wait for us."
"What put it into your head to seize the pistol, Walter? If your attempthad miscarried he might have shot you."
"I don't propose to give up my money without a struggle. When the timecame to act I moved suddenly upon the enemy. I did not propose to fail."
"You were very quick. You were like a flash of lightning."
"I meant to be," said Walter, smiling. "I haven't attended a gymnasiumfor nothing."
"Do you think he will attack us again?" asked the professor timidly.
"No; he has no revolver and I have. Besides, I don't mean to be takenat a disadvantage. If you will drive, I will hold the revolver ready forinstant use."
There was no further interruption during their ride, and about teno'clock they drew up in front of the hotel in Fremont. Rooms weresecured, and both Walter and the professor retired to rest.
About seven o'clock the next morning there was a knock at Walter's door.He opened it, half dressed, and found a boy of sixteen with a note inhis hand.
"A gentleman gave me this for you," he said.
Walter opened the note and read these lines, which had been hastilyscribbled:
"Give the bearer my revolver. I have a long journey before me and shallneed it.