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Sam's Chance and How He Improved It Page 12
Sam's Chance and How He Improved It Read online
Page 12
Sam did not tell Henry of his purchase of a lottery ticket, being wellaware that his roommate would not approve such an investment.
"I'll wait till the lottery is drawn, and then if I get a prize I'lltell him about it. He can't say anything, then."
Such were Sam's thoughts. He knew, of course, that he might draw ablank; but he did not take much account of that. He lived in a dreamof wealth till the day when the result was to be made known. On acertain day the lucky numbers were to be published in the _Herald_,and for this issue Sam was anxiously waiting.
The number of his ticket was 7,567.
"Seven is a lucky number," said the acquaintance who induced him tobuy. "Your number begins and ends with a seven. It's likely to drawsomething."
Sam listened to this prediction with complacency. He did not reflectupon the absurdity of one number being luckier than another, andcongratulated himself that he had been so fortunate as to get a numbercontaining two sevens.
Sam was not usually an early riser. As a general thing he lay in bedas late as he dared to; but on the particular morning which was toterminate his suspense he jumped out of bed at half-past fiveo'clock.
"What are you going to do, Sam?" inquired Henry, opening his eyes.
"I'm going to get up," answered Sam.
"What's up? Do you have to go to work earlier than usual?"
"No, that isn't it," answered Sam, evasively. "I'm tired of lyingabed."
"Rather strange!" thought Henry. "Can it be possible that Sam isturning over a new leaf?"
He did not give much credence to this, but concluded that Sam had aparticular reason, which he would learn in due time.
Sam dressed hastily, and walked round to the _Herald_ office, andpurchased a copy of the paper, which he unfolded eagerly. He did notimmediately find the list of lucky numbers, but at length his eyerested on them. He looked eagerly through the long list, hoping to seenumber 7,567 in it, but in vain. A prize of fifty dollars was drawn by7,562; but that was the nearest approach to good fortune.
Poor Sam! His heart sank within him. He had been dreaming goldendreams of fortune for a week past, but now he was brought down to thecold and barren reality. All his money was gone except a dollar, onwhich he must live for two days and a half, till his weekly wages weredue.
"It's a shame!" muttered Sam, in bitter disappointment. "I was sure myticket would win something. Wasn't there two sevens in it? I believethey cheated."
It was too early yet for breakfast, and he sauntered about idle andpurposeless. Suddenly he came upon the young man upon whose advice hehad purchased his ticket. He, too, had a _Herald_ in his hand, but wasnot looking particularly elated.
"He hasn't got anything, either," thought Sam, shrewdly.
Just then he caught sight of Sam.
"Did you draw a prize?" he asked.
"No, I did not," said Sam, gloomily. "I wish I hadn't bought a ticket.That ten dollars is just throwed away. I wish I had it back."
"Better luck next time."
"What good'll that do me?" inquired Sam. "I'm dead broke. I haven'tgot money enough to buy another ticket. Didn't you tell me I was sureto win with two sevens in my number?"
"I didn't say you were sure. I only said it was a lucky number."
"Well, I wish I had my money back, that's all. I've only got a dollarto last me till Saturday night."
"I ain't much better off myself, Sam; but it's no use giving up. Ofcourse a feller can't be sure to win a big prize the first time. It'sworth trying five or six times."
"Where's the money coming from? Ten dollars don't grow on everybush."
"Can't you borrow?"
"My credit ain't good."
"Then, save up till you have enough money."
"How am I to save when I only get five dollars a week?"
"Well, I am sorry for you, Sam; but I'm just as bad off as you are."
"Are you going to buy another ticket?"
"As soon as I can."
The two parted, and Sam began to reflect.
"Perhaps he is right. I couldn't expect to draw a prize the very firsttime. I wish I could get money enough to buy another ticket. Henrycould lend me it as well as not; but I know he wouldn't. He'd justgive me a lecture for buying a ticket at all. I wonder if there is anyway."
There seemed to be none except to try Henry, and, small as the chancewas, he decided to do it.
Henry was just thinking of getting up when Sam returned.
"Back so soon, Sam?" he said. "Have you had breakfast?"
"Not yet."
"I see you have the Herald there. What's the news?"
"I haven't looked to see."
"You don't generally buy a morning paper."
"No; but there was something I wanted to look at this morning."
"You haven't found another ring, and bought the _Herald_ to seewhether it's advertised?"
"No; I wish I could find something."
"Have you thought about putting part of your money in thesavings-bank, Sam?"
"How can I, when it's all gone?"
"Twenty dollars gone in little more than a week!" exclaimed Henry, ingenuine amazement.
"Yes," answered Sam, rather confused.
"What on earth did you do with it all?"
"I guess I must have spent about ten dollars going to the theater, andso on."
"What has become of the other ten dollars then?"
"I bought a lottery ticket," said Sam, little uncomfortably.
"Well, you were foolish!" said Henry. "What made you do it?"
"A friend of mine advised me to. He had one himself."
"He couldn't have been much of a friend of yours. I suppose you didn'tdraw anything?"
"I didn't expect you would."
"Other people did, though," said Sam, inclined to uphold the lotterysystem. "Do you see that long list of prizes?"
"I never knew anybody that drew a prize," said Henry, quietly, "thoughI've known a good many who bought tickets."
"Forbes tells me if I buy another ticket I'm pretty sure to getsomething."
"Then, you'd better not mind what Forbes says."
"Of course somebody must draw prizes," said Sam, obstinately.
"It's a poor way to get money, even if you could win one."
"I'd risk that. I'd like to buy another ticket."
Henry shrugged his shoulders.
"I don't think you are very wise, Sam. It is well you haven't any moremoney to throw away."
This was not promising, but Sam did not mean to give it up.
"Henry," he said, "I wish you'd lend me ten dollars."
"What for?"
"I want to buy one more ticket."
"I can't lend it."
"I should think you might. If I don't get anything this time I'llnever buy again."
"I can't oblige you, Sam."
"You mean you won't," said Sam, sulkily.
"No; it happens to be true that I can't."
"Haven't you thirty-five dollars in the savings-bank?"
"I had."
"You haven't spent the money?"
"I have invested it."
"I've given the book to my employer as security to pay interest on aloan."
Then, seeing that Sam's curiosity was aroused, he proceeded to explainthat he had borrowed five hundred dollars of his employer to pay for ashare in a mercantile venture.
"Do you think you'll make any money out of it?" asked Sam, eagerly.
"I hope to."
"About how much?"
"Perhaps I may make a hundred dollars."
"I wish I had that much."
"I suppose you would buy ten lottery tickets," suggested Henry,smiling.
Sam admitted he should invest a part that way.
"I prefer to invest my money in legitimate business," said Henry.
"I don't know about that," said Sam. "I might have drawn thetw
enty-thousand-dollar prize. That's better than a hundred dollars."
"So it is; but if I keep on I have a good deal better chance ofgetting up to twenty thousand dollars than you."
"I wish my boss would lend me five hundred dollars," said Sam.
"I wouldn't advise him to," said Henry, smiling. "Now let us go tobreakfast."