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Walter Sherwood's Probation Page 15
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Page 15
"The door is broken!"
"That will make no difference with me. I prefer to stand trial and letmy innocence be proved."
"He's a brave lad!" said more than one.
"I wish my John would turn out like him," added one of Walter's originalsupporters. "You shall go with me, and have the best bed in the house,"he continued.
Walter accepted this proposal with thanks.
Of all that had passed during the night Constable Stokes was blissfullyunconscious. At an early hour he bent his steps toward the jail. When hesaw the door broken he was astounded.
He felt it necessary to report what had happened to some magistrate. Hehad walked but a few steps when he met Mr. Barry, Walter's lawyer.
"And how is my young client this morning, Stokes?" inquired the lawyerpleasantly.
"Blessed if I know! He's bolted!"
"That is amazing! Let me see how it was done."
"The door was broken from the outside!" he said, after a pause.
"Was it?"
"Of course it was."
"Then you don't think the men could have done it?"
At this moment a boy of fifteen made his way from the street to the rearentrance. It was Arthur Waters, the son of a jeweler.
"Perhaps I can tell you something about it," he said.
"Last night I heard a noise in the street, and, getting up, I went tothe window. I saw a lot of men filing through the street, all wearingmasks."
"They must have been in search of the prisoners to lynch them!" said thelawyer, turning pale.
"And you think they broke open the doors, Mr. Barry?"
"And what would they do with the prisoners?"
"Hang them, I fear, without judge or jury."
"I don't mind the man, sir, but I hope the boy escaped."
"Thank you, constable. I am alive and well, as you see."
Both the lawyer and the constable looked up, and there, to their greatrelief, stood Walter.
"Where did you come from?" asked the lawyer quickly.
Walter told his story, adding: "Constable Stokes, I give myself intoyour hands."
"Perhaps, as I am his counsel," said the lawyer, "I had better take himwith me."
"Yes, that will be the best way," said the constable.
Walter was ushered into the office of the lawyer.
At this moment the office door opened, and an old gentleman entered.
The lawyer rose from his seat with alacrity.
"Colonel Owen," he exclaimed, "I am glad to see you."
"Yes, sir. I received your telegram, and came by the first morningtrain. So the man who stole my horse has been caught?"
"The man who is charged with the theft has been caught," said Mr. Barry.
"Mr. Barry, you have not introduced me to this young gentleman,"continued Colonel Owen, eyeing Walter with favor.
"I didn't know that you would care for an introduction," said the lawyerdemurely.
"Why not?" asked the old gentleman, opening his eyes in surprise.
"Because he is the horse thief!"
"Bless my soul!" ejaculated the colonel. "Surely you are joking."
"No, I assure you I am not."
"Then how does it happen that Mr. Sherwood is sitting here in youroffice instead of being--"
"In the lockup?"
"I was taken to the lockup, Colonel Owen," said Walter, "but aboutmidnight a lynching party broke it open and took me out.
"But I made an appeal to my captors, and was able to prove to them Ireceived a reward not long since for the capture of the famous outlaw,Dick Ranney."
Colonel Owen sank into a chair.
"I never heard the like!" he was heard to say.
"Do you mind telling me, young man, why you were arrested, or why youfell under suspicion?"
"I was arrested while on the horse's back."
"Ha! But how did that happen?"
"I bought her of a man whom I met on the highway."
"Gentlemen," said the lawyer, "I find that the court is in session andall is ready for the trial."
"By the way, colonel, are you not a graduate of Euclid?" asked thelawyer.
"Yes, sir, and I am proud of the dear old college," rejoined thecolonel, warmly.
"I agree with you," said Walter. "I have passed two years in thecollege."
"Then, young man, here's my hand. My heart is always warm toward aEuclid man--"
"Even if you have to prosecute him for horse-stealing," suggested LawyerBarry slyly.
"Really, this is very painful!" said the colonel. "I wish I could getrid of it."
"You can say in court that you are convinced of the young man'sinnocence."
"And I will! And afterward I shall insist on Mr. Sherwood's driving homewith me and making me a visit."
Great was the surprise of Mr. Crane and Mr. Penton when they saw thehorse thief approach the court room arm in arm with Colonel Owen.
The trial began, and presently Crane and Penton were called on totestify.
"Did you see the prisoner steal the mare?" demanded Barry sharply.
"No, but--"
"It stands to reason that he did, or he wouldn't have had her in hispossession."
"Mr. Sherwood, you may take the stand."
Walter gave a brief account of the way in which he became possessed ofBess.
"Does Mr. Sherwood's story seem probable?" now remarked the judge.
"I am convinced that it is true," said the colonel promptly.
The judge saw how matters stood and discharged the prisoner.
"We're left!" said Crane, in a tragic whisper.
"Now, Mr. Sherwood," said the colonel, taking Walter's arm, "you mustaccompany me to Shelby."
At length they reached Shelby. Colonel Owen lived in a large andhandsome mansion with ample grounds.
"Yes," he said, "I have a comfortable home, but my boys are away, and mywife and I feel lonely in this large house. It will brighten us both tohave a young face at the table."
How could Walter feel otherwise than pleased. He was charmed with Mrs.Owen.
"I am glad to see you," she said. "May I call you Walter?"
"I wish you would, Mrs. Owen," said Walter.
"Did you find your horse, Richard?" she added.
"Yes, my dear."
"Did you see the man that stole it?"
"Yes, my dear," with a quiet wink at Walter.
"I invited the horse thief to come and make us a visit."
Mrs. Owen certainly was amazed.
"You did!" she ejaculated. "When is he coming?"
"He is here already."
"I don't understand you at all, Richard. You seem to be joking."
"Not at all! There he stands!" and the colonel pointed to Walter.
"What, Walter?"
"Perhaps I had better go to the hotel," suggested Walter.
"No, no! I can't believe anything evil of a young man with your face,"said Mrs. Owen. "I am glad my husband brought you home with him."
"I am sure you will both be kind to me," said Walter earnestly, "and Ishall appreciate it the more because I have neither father nor mother."
One afternoon Colonel Owen came in radiant.
"Well, Walter," he said, "I've got some work for you to do."
"Mr. Hayward, the teacher of our classical school, is summoned to hishome. The question is, Who shall take his place till the end of theschool year?
"I have mentioned your name to the trustees, who are ready to accept youon my recommendation."
"There is nothing I should like better," he said, "but do you think I amcompetent?"
"You ought to be able to teach any of the classes that will come underyour charge. How are you in mathematics?"
"I don't think I shal
l have any difficulty there, sir."
"Then you're better off than I am."
"How much salary shall I receive?" asked Walter, who was beginning togrow interested.
"Twenty-five dollars a week. That's what the trustees authorize me tooffer you."
"That will be quite satisfactory. How my old chums will stare whenI tell them I am getting twenty-five dollars a week for teaching aclassical school. I suppose," added Walter, hesitating, "I ought to lookout for a boarding-place."
"What, and leave us?" asked the old lady reproachfully.
"But, Colonel Owen, remember that I shall be earning a good salary."
"You can find a use for it. It will help make up for some of the lossesyou have incurred. Shall I say you will accept the post?"
"Yes, sir. I will try it, and hope to succeed."
On the platform of the main schoolroom in the Shelby Classical Institutestood Colonel Owen and Walter Sherwood.
"My young friends," began Colonel Owen, "you are all aware thatyour respected teacher, Mr. Haywood, is obliged to be absent for theremainder of the term. I have been able to secure as his substitute Mr.Walter Sherwood, who will do his best to carry on the work which Mr.Haywood has so auspiciously commenced. I hope you will receive himcordially and uphold him in his task."
Walter felt some diffidence as he realized what a responsibility hadbeen placed upon him.
He cleared his throat and spoke a few words.
"Colonel Owen has introduced me to you and expressed a hope in which Ijoin him--that you will receive me cordially and uphold me in my work.I will now go about among the seats, make inquiries as to your progress,and arrange the classes."
This short speech made a favorable impression upon all the pupils withtwo exceptions. These were the largest scholars--Ben Buffum andEnoch Snow. What they thought of Walter may be gathered from theirconversation as they walked home together.
"What do you think of the new master, Ben?" said Enoch.
"I s'pose he'll do. He ought to, if he's been to college; but I'll tellyou what, Enoch, it riles me to have a boy of my own age set over me."
"Me ditto!"
"He would do for a primary school, but when it comes to young men likeus, I don't like to let people know that he's my teacher."
"It's all right for the others to obey him, but you and I are just asstrong as he, and maybe stronger."
"I guess I could floor him in wrestling."
"You're too much for me, Ben, and I think I can stand up to him, andmaybe lick him."
"It's likely you can. Now, there was Hayward--he was a big man. I didn'tmind obeying him."
"Are you talking about Mr. Sherwood?" asked Harry Howe, a boy offourteen.
"No, I'm not. I'm talking about Mr. Hayward."
"How do you like the new teacher?"
"He's only a boy. He'll have a hard row to hoe."
"Who'll make it hard for him?"
"Enoch and I."
"Then it will be a shame. He seems to be a perfect gentleman."
"Gentleman! He's only a boy, like ourselves."
"At any rate, he knows enough to teach us."
"That may be, but he can't keep order."
"Why can't he?"
"You'll see whether he can or not," said Ben, significantly.
"Are you going to make trouble?"
"It isn't best for small boys to know too much."
Walter had not failed to notice the half-rebellious demeanor of histwo oldest pupils. Moreover, he had been warned by the janitor of thebuilding that they would be likely to give him trouble.
Ben Buffum was biding his time.
In the seat in front of Ben sat Albert Frost, a much smaller boy.
One day, toward the close of the afternoon, a loud shriek was heard inthe neighborhood of Ben Buffum's desk.
Walter looked up and saw Albert in tears.
"What is the matter, Albert?" asked Walter.
"Ben Buffum stuck a pin in my leg," answered the boy. "Is that true,Buffum?" demanded Walter sternly.
"Yes, it is," answered Ben, with provoking calmness.
Walter's temper was stirred, but he asked in his ordinary tones: "Whydid you do it?"
"Because I chose," answered Ben.
"Then," said Walter, giving full vent to his scorn, "you are acontemptible coward and brute!
"You forget that in this schoolroom I am the master, and consider itmy duty to defend my pupils, even the smallest, from the violence ofbrutes."
"He'll have to pay for this," he muttered to himself. "I can lick you,Walter!" he said, with an insolent leer.
He had hardly got the words out of his mouth when Walter was upon him.He was wonderfully quick in his movements, whereas Ben, though powerful,was slow, and before he well knew what was going to happen he wasdragged by the collar from his seat into the middle of the floor. Walterlet go for a minute, and Ben, mad all over, prepared to grasp him ina bearlike hug. A stinging blow in the face convinced him that he hadentirely underrated the powers of the teacher. He tried to return theblow, but, unable to defend himself, found his own blow parried andanother planted in his chest, causing him to stagger. Then Ben lost allcaution, and with a furious cry rushed upon Walter, in hope of throwinghim down by wrestling. But, instead, he found himself lying on his backon the floor, looking up at the teacher.
Ben got up slowly and "pitched in" once more, but in about a minute hefound himself again in a recumbent position.
"Have you had enough?" asked Walter.
"I hit my head," answered Ben, in a sulky tone.
"I hope you are not seriously hurt," said Walter, quietly. "If you wouldlike to be dismissed now, you may go. I shall be glad to see you backhere to-morrow."
Without a word, but looking intensely mortified, Ben took his hat andslunk out of the room.
When he had gone Walter said: "Scholars, I want to ask of you a favor.Ben is mortified by what has happened. I wish you would all abstain fromreminding him of it. In that case the lesson he has received may do himgood."
The next day Ben Buffum stayed at home, and did not show himself onthe street till evening. When he found that no one spoke to him of theaffair he took courage to go to school the day after. Walter overtookhim on the way and hailed him in a friendly manner with: "We will forgetall about that little affair day before yesterday, Ben. You are prettystrong."
"I couldn't do nothin' against you."
"No, because I have taken lessons in boxing."
"I'd like to box."
"If you'll come round and see me this evening, Ben, I'll give you thefirst lesson."
The scholars were very much surprised to see Ben and the teacher walkingto school together, and were further surprised at the wonderful changefor the better that took place in the once rebellious pupil.
Mrs. Deborah Simpkins, a near neighbor of Doctor Mack, was anill-natured gossip, and had always disliked Walter because he onceinterfered to prevent a boy of hers from abusing a young companion. Oneday about two months later she put on her bonnet and with a smile ofmalicious satisfaction walked over to the doctor's house.
"How do you do, Mrs. Sprague?" she said. "I thought I'd run over andhave a chat with you."
"Come in, Mrs. Simpkins," said Nancy, civilly, but not cordially, forshe did not like her visitor.
"I've got something unpleasant to tell you," went on the widow, as shesat down in a rocker. "I'm awful sorry."
"Are you?" said Nancy, dryly. "What's it all about?"
"I got a letter from my niece Sophrony, out in Iowa, yesterday, and shesent me a cuttin' from an old paper. It's somethin' awful!"
"Is it?"
"Yes, and it's about Walter Sherwood!" continued Mrs. Simpkins,triumphantly.
"He hasn't met with an accident, has he?" inquired Nancy, turning pale.
"It's w
uss than that!" answered the widow, nodding her head ominously.
"Worse than an accident?"
"Yes; leastways, I call it so."
"Let me hear it, then, Mrs. Simpkins."
"Here 'tis; you can read it for yourself."
This was the paragraph:
"A young man named Walter Sherwood was arrested yesterday, chargedwith stealing a valuable mare belonging to Colonel Richard Owen. Weunderstand his trial is to take place this morning."
"When is the paper dated?" asked Nancy, who did not appear so muchovercome as her visitor expected.
"Over two months since. Walter Sherwood is probably in jail now. Ifeel for you and the doctor," said Mrs. Simpkins, in a tone far fromsympathetic, fixing her beadlike eyes on the housekeeper.
"That's very good of you, but, as we got a letter from Walter yesterday,there ain't no call to be troubled."
"Did he write from the jail?"
"Don't be a fool, Mrs. Simpkins! He wrote from the town of Shelby, wherehe has been teaching a classic school, and he inclosed the program ofthe exhibition. Perhaps you would like to look at it."
Mrs. Simpkins took the paper, and looked intensely disappointed as shesaw that Nancy had only told the truth.
"He teach school! A boy like him!" she ejaculated.