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The Young Explorer; Or, Claiming His Fortune Page 17
The Young Explorer; Or, Claiming His Fortune Read online
Page 17
The lower part of the cabin was divided into two rooms, over whichwas a loft. There was no staircase; but there was a short ladder bywhich the ascent was made.
"You're to sleep up there," said Jack, pointing to the loft. "Me andthe old woman sleep below."
"All right," said Bradley, gaping. "I can sleep anywhere to-night.I'm powerful sleepy."
He ascended the ladder first, and Ben followed. There was nobedstead, but a straw pallet was stretched in one corner, with ablanket in place of a quilt.
"I sha'n't undress, Ben," said Bradley, throwing himself down on therude bed. "I can't keep my eyes open long enough. I think I neverfelt so sleepy in the whole course of my life."
"I am tired, but not sleepy," returned Ben.
"I won't undress, either. I can sleep just as well in my clothes."
Scarcely a minute had passed when Bradley was breathing in theunconsciousness of slumber.
As Ben lay down beside him, he could not help feeling surprised athis companion's yielding so suddenly to the power of sleep. That heshould be tired was not surprising; but when seated outside he hadnot seemed unusually drowsy, that is, up to the time of his drinkingthe wine. A quick suspicion flashed upon Ben's mind. Had the wineanything to do with this sudden drowsiness?
Ben had not much experience of life; but he had heard of liquorsbeing drugged, and it seemed possible that the wine which had beenoffered to Bradley might have been tampered with. If so, it was onlytoo evident what was the object of their host. It was natural tosuppose that the two travelers were provided with money, and it wasundoubtedly the intention of Jack Carter to rob them in their sleep.
This was not a pleasant thought, nor one calculated to soothe Ben tosleep. He was only a boy, and to find himself in a robber's den wascertainly rather a startling discovery. If he had been able toconsult with his companion, it would have been a relief; but Bradleywas in a profound sleep.
Ben nudged him, but without the slightest effect. He was insensibleas a log. Finding more vigorous measures necessary, the boy shookhim, but succeeded only in eliciting a few muttered words.
"I can't wake him," thought Ben, more and more disturbed in mind. "Iam sure it must be the wine which makes him sleep so heavily. Whatcan I do?"
This question was more easily asked than answered. Ben was quiteaware that single-handed he could not cope with a powerful man likeCarter. With Bradley's help he would have felt secure; but noassistance could now be expected from his companion. So far as hecould see, he must submit to be robbed, and to see his companionrobbed. Of course, there was a chance that he might be mistaken. Itwas possible that Bradley's might be a natural sleep, induced byexcessive fatigue, and there might be nothing sinister in theintentions of their host.
Ben, however, found it difficult to convince himself of this, muchas he desired to do so. The existence of a gang of robbers in thevicinity, referred to by Bradley, was not calculated to reassurehim. If Carter did not belong to this gang, his personal appearancewas certainly calculated to foster the suspicion of his connectionwith them, and the suspicion was strengthened by the fact of hisliving in this lonely place without any apparent inducement.
For the first time, perhaps, since he had left the East, he wishedhimself in the security of home. As Deacon Pitkin's hired boy,living on frugal diet, he would have been better off than here atthe mercy of a mountain bandit.
But Ben was a boy of spirit, and not inclined to submit in acowardly manner without first considering if in any possible mannerhe could guard against the danger which menaced him. Fatigued as hewas by the day's ride, he would, under ordinary circumstances, havefallen asleep quickly; but now anxiety and apprehension kept himbroad awake.
"If I could only rouse Bradley," he said to himself, "I should feelmore comfortable. I don't like the responsibility of deciding whatis best to be done."
His thoughts were interrupted by the sound of low voices below.Evidently Carter and his wife were conversing, and probably aboutthem. Anxious to hear what was said, as this might give him a clueto their plans, Ben rose softly from his low couch, and drew nearthe edge of the opening through which he had mounted into the loft.In this position he was able to hear what was said.
"They must have money," said Carter. "They would need it to get themout to the mines. Whatever it is, I am bound to have it."
"The man seems strong," replied the wife. "You may not find it aneasy task to master him."
"What can he do?" returned Carter contemptuously. "He is in a deadsleep. I put enough stuff into his wine to keep him in a stupor fortwelve good hours. If I'm not a match for a sleeping man, I'll goand hang myself."
"But the boy-he took no wine."
"No; he's one of them temperance sneaks. But he's only a baby. Icould lay him out with one hand."
"Don't harm him, Jack!" said the woman. "I can't help feeling kindlyto him. Our boy, had he lived, would have been about his age. Ican't help thinking of that."
"Don't be silly! Because we had a boy once, mustn't interfere withbusiness."
"But you won't hurt him, Jack?" pleaded the woman, who, hard as sheseemed, appeared to have a soft side to her nature.
"No; I won't hurt the brat if he behaves himself and doesn't getbumptious. Likely enough he'll be fast asleep. Boys at his agegenerally sleep well."
"In the morning they will discover that they have been robbed. Whatwill you say to them?"
"Tell them it's none of my business; that I know nothing about it."
"But if the boy is awake, and sees you at work, Jack?"
"Then it will be different. It would have been better for him tohave taken the wine."
"Do you think he suspected anything?"
"No; how could he suspect that the wine was drugged? He is one ofthem temperance sneaks, I tell you."
"How soon are you going up, Jack?"
"In half an hour. I want to give the boy time enough to get asleep.That will make matters easy."
"Don't you think I had better go up, Jack?"
"Why should you? Why should I let a woman do my work?"
"Then I should know the boy would receive no harm."
"Oh, that's it, is it? You make a great fuss about the boy."
"Yes; I can't help thinking about my own boy."
"Oh, drop that! It makes me sick. Wasn't he my boy as well as yours?I'm sorry he's gone. I could have brought him up to be a help to usin our business."
"Never, Jack, never!" exclaimed his wife fervently.
"Hello! what's that?"
"I mean that I should have been unwilling to have our son grow up nobetter than we are. He, at any rate, should have been a good man."
"What's up now, old woman? You haven't been attending Sunday-schoollately, have you?" demanded Jack, with a sneer.
"I did once, Jack, and I haven't quite forgotten what I learnedthere, though it don't look like it now."
"Are you going back on me?" demanded Jack fiercely.
"No, Jack, it's too late for that. I have helped you, and I mean tohelp you, but to-night the sight of that boy, and the thought of ourson, who died so long ago, have given me a turn. If it was a man, itwould be different. But you have promised you won't harm him, and nomore need be said."
"Too much has been said already, to my thinkin'," growled Jack."However, that's over, and I expect you to help me if I need help."
Ben heard every word that was said, and it confirmed his suspicions.There was no doubt that an attempt would be made to rob him and hiscompanion before morning, and the prospect was not pleasant. Bysubmitting quietly he would come to no harm, and the loss of themoney would not be irreparable. He and Bradley had each started witha hundred dollars, supplied by Miss Doughlas, and thus far butlittle of this sum had been spent. Their employer would doubtlesssend them a further supply if they were robbed, but they would bereluctant to apply to her, since the loss would be partly the resultof their imprudence.
Ben felt that
he was in a tight place, and he was not quite certainwhat he should or could do.