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Mark Mason's Victory: The Trials and Triumphs of a Telegraph Boy Page 19
Mark Mason's Victory: The Trials and Triumphs of a Telegraph Boy Read online
Page 19
ALTHOUGH Mark was inclined to pity any man deprived of his liberty, hefelt pleased to think that Buffington's career was cut short for a time.There was little doubt that he would be imprisoned for a time more orless extended.
"How much better it would be for him," thought Mark, "if he had earnedhis living in some honest way!"
Stealing may seem an easy way of obtaining money, but the one whodepends on it is likely to be brought up with a round term at last.
When Mark went down in the morning the clerk said to him, "So you had alittle excitement in your room last night, the watchman tells me."
"Yes; I had a visitor, but fortunately he was caught without securinganything. He was about to take my pocketbook when I woke up. I waslucky, for I might have found myself unable to pay my bill here."
"We would have given you time. We can tell by your face that you arehonest."
"Thank you. Has Buffington been taken from his room yet?"
"Buffington? I don't know any such name."
"That is what he gave me as his name."
"He is down on our books as Lawrence Perkins."
"He seems to have more than one name."
"He may have a dozen. Such gentry usually do. I will send you a coupleof policemen and have him taken round to the station-house."
Two policemen were summoned and soon made their appearance. They wentup-stairs, preceded by the clerk. He opened the door of the adventurer'sroom and entered.
"He isn't here!" he exclaimed in surprise, turning to the two officers.
"Not here?"
There was no need to ask how Perkins, or Buffington, whichever name heclaimed, had escaped. He had made use of the fire-escape and haddisappeared.
"He seems to have slept here," remarked one of the policeman, pointingto the bed.
"He must have escaped early this morning."
"I wonder I did not think of the fire-escape."
"He didn't call at the office and pay his bill, I suppose."
"No. He was probably in too great a hurry."
"If you will give us a description of him we can warn the public againsthim."
"I didn't notice him particularly. I have to deal with so many that Idon't scrutinize any one closely, unless there seems to be especialreason for doing so. This boy," pointing to Mark, "saw him on the car,and can describe him to you."
Mark gave what information he could and then went to breakfast.
"I hope I shan't meet him again," he reflected. "I am not anxious tokeep up the acquaintance."
About noon he took a train for Niagara Falls, and didn't leave it tillhe reached Suspension Bridge. He arrived too late to see the cataract,and proceeded at once to a modest hotel in the village where the pricecharged was two dollars per day.
He might have gone to the International Hotel, and would have beenjustified in doing so, but he thought it right to be careful of hisemployer's money. He looked over the book, half expecting to meet thename of Buffington or Perkins, but found neither.
"I hope I have seen my last of him," he said to himself.
He did not feel obliged to take any extra precautions, but sleptpeacefully and long. After breakfast he started out to see the Falls. Hewas resolved to see them thoroughly no matter how much time might berequired in the process.
"I wish mother were here," he thought. "Some time if I can afford it Iwill bring her here."
This resolve gave him satisfaction, though there seemed little prospectof his soon being in a condition to carry out his wish.
Mark had no idea of meeting any one whom he knew. He was but a boy, andhis acquaintance was limited. Already, however, it included threepersons whom he would have been glad to be assured he would never meetagain. One of these was Buffington, the other two were Hamilton Schuylerand Jack Minton, the nephew of old Mrs. Mack, who lived in the sametenement house in New York with his mother.
He supposed Jack to be in New York and therefore his surprise may beimagined when he heard a hoarse voice behind him saying, "Well, I'll beblowed, if it isn't the kid! How are you, kid?"
Mark did not suppose that he was referred to, but with natural curiosityhe turned to observe the speaker.
He saw Jack Minton, rough and uncouth as when he last met him, advancingto meet him.
"You're about the last bloke as I expected to see here, kid," observedJack, his face still betraying surprise. "What brought you here?"
"Business," answered Mark briefly.
"They don't send telegraph boys as far as this, do they?"
"Well, not often, but I was sent here, and I came."
"What were you sent for?"
"That is my employer's business, and I don't feel at liberty to tell."
"Oh well, I ain't at all partic'lar to know. But it seems good to meet afriend so far away."
"How long have I been his friend?" thought Mark.
"I say, kid, we'll celebrate on that. Come in and have a drink."
They were passing a saloon, and Minton turned his steps towards it.
"No, thank you, Mr. Minton. I am not thirsty."
"Oh, hang it! Who cares whether you are thirsty or not? You ain't goin'to turn against a friend, are you?"
It was clear that Jack Minton had already satisfied his thirst two orthree times, for his face was flushed and his step unsteady.
Mark saw that his refusal would make Minton angry, and he accepted hisinvitation.
"What will you have, kid?" asked Jack, staggering to the counter.
"A glass of sarsaparilla."
"Oh, don't have sarsaparilla? It's only fit for old women and youngchildren. Take whisky."
"No; it must be sarsaparilla or nothing."
"Just as you say. Barkeeper, give me some whisky straight, and give thekid sarsaparilla if he wants it."
The orders were filled. Jack tossed down a glass of fiery whisky, whichmade his face even redder than before, and then drawing from his pocketa roll of bills, settled for both drinks.
Mark was surprised at the abundance of money his companion seemed tohave. When they met in New York Jack was very hard up, and had onlysucceeded in obtaining twenty five-cents from his parsimonious aunt.
After drinking the whisky Jack sank into a chair, finding a sittingposition more comfortable under the circumstances.
"Have you seen your aunt lately, Mr. Minton?" Mark asked.
"Who's my aunt?" hiccoughed Jack, "I ain't got no aunt."
"I mean Mrs. Mack, the old lady who lives in St. Mark's place."
"I don't know anything about--'bout Mrs. Mack," answered Minton with acunning look. "What sh'd I know of Miss--Mrs. Mack?"
"She's your aunt, isn't she?"
"She used to be, but she's a bad old woman. I don't want to see heragain."
"She would be very glad to hear that," thought Mark.
"When did you come to Niagara?"
"I d'n'ow, do you? Don't ask me any more of your fool questions,"answered Jack with uncontrollable irritation. "Did I pay you for thedrinks?" he asked, turning to the barkeeper.
"Yes, you paid me."
"Thought I did--didn't know."
As he spoke, Jack Minton's head fell forward on the table, and he closedhis eyes. The last potation was too much for him.
"You'd better take your friend away," said the barkeeper, eying Jackwithout much favor. "I don't want him to go to sleep here!"
"He's no friend of mine," answered Mark.
"Didn't you come in with him? Didn't he treat you?"
"Yes, but I only accepted because he looked quarrelsome, and I wasafraid he might take offense if I refused."
"If I let him stay here I shall charge him extra."
"Do as you like! I never saw him but once before, and I don't care tohave anything to do with him. I wish you would let me pay for thatsarsaparilla I had. I don't want to feel that he treated me."
"He has paid, and I can't take pay twice."r />
"Then take the money and return it to him."
Mark without waiting to see if his proposal was accepted put a dime onthe counter, and left the saloon. He met a newsboy with copies of amorning Buffalo paper. He bought one, and turning to New York news, hiseyes fell upon a paragraph which surprised and excited him.