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Fame and Fortune; or, The Progress of Richard Hunter Page 2
Fame and Fortune; or, The Progress of Richard Hunter Read online
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Frank Whitney was indeed surprised to find the ragged boot-black of ayear before so wonderfully changed. He grasped Dick's hand, and shook itheartily.
"Uncle," he said, "this is Dick. Isn't he changed?"
"It is a change I am glad to see," said Mr. Whitney, also extending hishand; "for it appears to be a change for the better. And who is thisother young man?"
"This is my private tutor," said Dick, presenting Fosdick,--"ProfessorFosdick. He's been teachin' me every evenin' for most a year. His termsis very reasonable. If it hadn't been for him, I never should havereached my present high position in literature and science."
"I am glad to make your acquaintance, _Professor_ Fosdick," said Frank,laughing. "May I inquire whether my friend Dick owes his elegant systemof pronunciation to your instructions?"
"Dick can speak more correctly when he pleases," said Fosdick; "butsometimes he falls back into his old way. He understands the commonEnglish branches very well."
"Then he must have worked hard; for when I first met him a year ago, hewas--"
"As ignorant as a horse," interrupted Dick. "It was you that first mademe ambitious, Frank. I wanted to be like you, and grow up 'spectable."
"_Re_spectable, Dick," suggested Fosdick.
"Yes, that's what I mean. I didn't always want to be a boot-black, so Iworked hard, and with the help of Professor Fosdick, I've got up alittle way. But I'm goin' to climb higher."
"I am very glad to hear it, my young friend," said Mr. Whitney. "It isalways pleasant to see a young man fighting his way upward. In this freecountry there is every inducement for effort, however unpromising may bethe early circumstances in which one is placed. But, young gentlemen, asmy nephew would be glad to speak further with you, I propose that weadjourn from the sidewalk to the St. Nicholas Hotel, where I am atpresent stopping."
"Yes, Dick," said Frank, "you and Professor Fosdick must spend theevening with me. I was intending to visit some place of amusement, butwould much prefer a visit from you."
Dick and Fosdick readily accepted this invitation, and turned in thedirection of the St. Nicholas, which is situated on Broadway, belowBleecker Street.
"By the way, Dick, where are your Washington coat and Napoleon pantsnow?"
"They were stolen from my room," said Dick, "by somebody that wanted toappear on Broadway dressed in tip-top style, and hadn't got money enoughto pay for a suit."
"Perhaps it was some agent of Barnum who desired to secure the valuablerelics," suggested Frank.
"By gracious!" said Dick, suddenly, "there they are now. It's the firsttime I've seen 'em since they was stolen."
He pointed to a boy, of about his own size, who was coming up Broadway.He was attired in the well-remembered coat and pants; but, alas! timehad not spared them. The solitary remaining coat-tail was torn in manyplaces; of one sleeve but a fragment remained; grease and dirt nearlyobliterated the original color; and it was a melancholy vestige of whatit had been once. As for the pantaloons, they were a complete wreck.When Dick had possessed them they were well ventilated; but they werenow ventilated so much more thoroughly that, as Dick said afterwards, "afeller would be warmer without any."
"That's Micky Maguire," said Dick; "a partic'lar friend of mine, thathad such a great 'fection for me that he stole my clothes to remember meby."
"Perhaps," said Fosdick, "it was on account of his great respect forGeneral Washington and the Emperor Napoleon."
"What would the great Washington say if he could see his coat now?" saidFrank.
"When I wore it," said Dick, "I was sorry he was so great, 'cause itprevented his clothes fitting me."
It may be necessary to explain to those who are unacquainted with Dick'searlier adventures, that the clothes in which he was originallyintroduced were jocosely referred to by him as gifts from theillustrious personages whose names have been mentioned.
Micky Maguire did not at first recognize Dick. When he did so, hesuddenly shambled down Prince Street, fearful, perhaps, that the stolenclothes would be reclaimed.
They had now reached the St. Nicholas, and entered. Mr. Whitney led theway up to his apartment, and then, having a business engagement with agentleman below, he descended to the reading-room, leaving the boysalone. Left to themselves, they talked freely. Dick related fully thedifferent steps in his education, with which some of our readers arealready familiar, and received hearty congratulations from Frank, andearnest encouragement to persevere.
"I wish you were going to be in the city, Frank," said Dick.
"So I shall be soon," said Frank.
Dick's face lighted up with pleasure.
"That's bully," said he, enthusiastically. "How soon are you comin'?"
"I am hoping to enter Columbia College next commencement. I suppose mytime will be a good deal taken up with study, but I shall always findtime for you and Fosdick. I hope you both will call upon me."
Both boys readily accepted the invitation in advance, and Dick promisedto write to Frank at his boarding-school in Connecticut. At about halfpast ten, the two boys left the St. Nicholas, and went back to theirboarding-house.
After a comfortable night's sleep, they got up punctually to the seveno'clock breakfast. It consisted of beefsteak, hot biscuit, potatoes, andvery good coffee. Dick and Fosdick did justice to the separate viands,and congratulated themselves upon the superiority of their present fareto that which they had been accustomed to obtain at the restaurants.
Breakfast over, Fosdick set out for the hat and cap store in which hewas employed, and Dick for Rockwell & Cooper's on Pearl Street. It mustbe confessed that he felt a little bashful as he stood in front of thelarge warehouse, and surveyed the sign. He began to feel someapprehensions that he would not be found competent for his post. Itseemed such a rise from the streets to be employed in such an imposingbuilding. But Dick did not long permit timidity to stand in his way. Heentered the large apartment on the first floor, which he found chieflyused for storing large boxes and cases of goods. There was acounting-room and office, occupying one corner, partitioned off from therest of the department. Dick could see a young man through the glasspartition sitting at a desk; and, opening the door, he entered. Hewished it had been Mr. Rockwell, for it would have saved him fromintroducing himself; but of course it was too early for that gentlemanto appear.
"What is your business?" inquired the book-keeper, for it was he.
"I've come to work," said Dick, shortly, for somehow he did not takemuch of a fancy to the book-keeper, whose tone was rather supercilious.
"Oh, you've come to work, have you?"
"Yes, I have," said Dick, independently.
"I don't think we shall need your valuable services," said thebook-keeper, with something of a sneer. The truth was, that Mr. Rockwellhad neglected to mention that he had engaged Dick.
Dick, though a little inclined to be bashful when he entered, had quitegot over that feeling now. He didn't intend to be intimidated or drivenaway by the man before him. There was only one doubt in his mind. Thismight be Mr. Cooper, the second member of the firm, although he did notthink it at all probable. So he ventured this question, "Is Mr. Rockwellor Mr. Cooper in?"
"They're never here at this hour."
"So I supposed," said Dick, coolly.
He sat down in an arm-chair, and took up the morning paper.
The book-keeper was decidedly provoked by his coolness. He felt that hehad not impressed Dick with his dignity or authority, and this made himangry.
"Bring that paper to me, young man," he said; "I want to consult it."
"Very good," said Dick; "you can come and get it."
"I can't compliment you on your good manners," said the other.
"Good manners don't seem to be fashionable here," said Dick, composedly.
Apparently the book-keeper did not want the paper very particularly, ashe did not take the trouble to get up for it. Dick therefore resumed hisreading
, and the other dug his pen spitefully into the paper, wishing,but not quite daring, to order Dick out of the counting-room, as itmight be possible that he had come by appointment.
"Did you come to see Mr. Rockwell?" he asked, at length, looking up fromhis writing.
"Yes," said Dick.
"Did he tell you to come?"
"What was that you said about coming to work?"
"I said I had come here to work."
"Who engaged you?"
"Mr. Rockwell."
"Oh, indeed! And how much are you to receive for your valuableservices?"
"You are very polite to call my services valuable," said Dick. "I hopethey will be."
"You haven't answered my question."
"I have no objection, I'm sure. I'm to get ten dollars a week."
"Ten dollars a week!" echoed the book-keeper, with a scornful laugh. "Doyou expect you will earn that?"
"No, I don't," said Dick, frankly.
"You don't!" returned the other, doubtfully. "Well, you're more modestthan I thought for. Then why are you to get so much?"
"Perhaps Mr. Rockwell will tell you," said Dick, "if you tell him you'revery particular to know, and will lose a night's rest if you don't findout."
"I wouldn't give you a dollar a week."
"Then I'm glad I aint goin' to work for you."
"I don't believe your story at all. I don't think Mr. Rockwell would besuch a fool as to overpay you so much."
"P'r'aps I shouldn't be the only one in the establishment that isoverpaid," observed Dick.
"Do you mean me, you young rascal?" demanded the book-keeper, now veryangry.
"Don't call names. It isn't polite."
"I demand an answer. Do you mean to say that I am overpaid?"
"Well," said Dick, deliberately, "if you're paid anything for bein'polite, I should think you was overpaid considerable."
There is no knowing how long this skirmishing would have continued, ifMr. Rockwell himself had not just then entered the counting-room. Dickrose respectfully at his entrance, and the merchant, recognizing him atonce, advanced smiling and gave him a cordial welcome.
"I am glad to see you, my boy," he said. "So you didn't forget theappointment. How long have you been here?"
"Half an hour, sir."
"I am here unusually early this morning. I came purposely to see you,and introduce you to those with whom you will labor. Mr. Gilbert, thisis a young man who is going to enter our establishment. His name isRichard Hunter. Mr. Gilbert, Richard, is our book-keeper."
Mr. Gilbert nodded slightly, not a little surprised at his employer'scordiality to the new boy.
"So the fellow was right, after all," he thought. "But it can't bepossible he is to receive ten dollars a week."
"Come out into the ware-room, and I will show you about," continued Mr.Rockwell. "How do you think you shall like business, Richard?"
Dick was on the point of saying "Bully," but checked himself just intime, and said instead, "Very much indeed, sir."
"I hope you will. If you do well you may depend upon promotion. I shallnot forget under what a heavy obligation I am to you, my brave boy."
What would the book-keeper have said, if he had heard this?
"How is the little boy, sir?" asked Dick.
"Very well, indeed. He does not appear even to have taken cold, as mighthave been expected from his exposure, and remaining in wet clothes forsome time."
"I am glad to hear that he is well, sir."
"You must come up and see him for yourself, Richard," said Mr. Rockwell,in a friendly manner. "I have no doubt you will become good friends verysoon. Besides, my wife is anxious to see and thank the preserver of herboy."
"I shall be very glad indeed to come, sir."
"I live at No. ---- Madison Avenue. Come to-morrow evening, if you haveno engagement."
"Thank you, sir."
Mr. Rockwell now introduced Dick to his head clerk with a few words,stating that he was a lad in whose welfare he took a deep interest, andhe would be glad to have him induct him into his duties, and regard withindulgence any mistakes which he might at first make through ignorance.
The head clerk was a pleasant-looking man, of middle age, named Murdock;very different in his manners and bearing from Mr. Gilbert, thebook-keeper.
"Yes, sir," he said, "I will take the young man under my charge; helooks bright and sharp enough, and I hope we may make a business man ofhim in course of time."
That was what Dick liked. His heart always opened to kindness, butharshness always made him defiant.
"I'll try to make you as little trouble as possible, sir," he said. "Imay make mistakes at first, but I'm willin' to work, and I want to workmy way up."
"That's right, my boy," said Mr. Murdock. "Let that be yourdetermination, and I am sure you will succeed."
"Before Mr. Murdock begins to instruct you in your duties," said Mr.Rockwell, "you may go to the post-office, and see if there are anyletters for us. Our box is No. 5,670."
"All right, sir," said Dick; and he took his hat at once and started.
He reached Chatham Square, turned into Printing House Square, and justat the corner of Spruce and Nassau Streets, close by the Tribune Office,he saw the familiar face and figure of Johnny Nolan, one of his oldassociates when he was a boot-black.
"How are you, Johnny?" he said.
"Is that you, Dick?" asked Johnny, turning round. "Where's your box andbrush?"
"At home."
"You haven't give up business,--have you?"
"I've just gone into business, Johnny."
"I mean you aint give up blackin' boots,--have you?"
"All except my own, Johnny. Aint that a good shine?" and Dick displayedhis boot with something of his old professional pride.
"What you up to now, Dick? You're dressed like a swell."
"Oh," said Dick, "I've retired from shines on a fortun', and embarked mycapital in mercantile pursuits. I'm in a store on Pearl Street."
"What store?"
"Rockwell & Cooper's."
"How'd you get there?"
"They wanted a partner with a large capital, and so they took me," saidDick. "We're goin' to do a smashin' business. We mean to send off a shipto Europe every day, besides what we send to other places, and expect tomake no end of stamps."
"What's the use of gassin', Dick? Tell a feller now."
"Honor bright, then, Johnny, I've got a place at ten dollars a week, andI'm goin' to be 'spectable. Why don't you turn over a new leaf, and tryto get up in the world?"
"I aint lucky, Dick. I don't half the time make enough to live on. If itwasn't for the Newsboys' Lodgin' House, I don't know what I'd do. I needa new brush and box of blacking, but I aint got money enough to buyone."
"Then, Johnny, I'll help you this once. Here's fifty cents; I'll give itto you. Now, if you're smart you can make a dollar a day easy, and saveup part of it. You ought to be more enterprisin', Johnny. There's agentleman wants a shine now."
Johnny hitched up his trousers, put the fifty cents in his mouth, havingno pocket unprovided with holes, and proffered his services to thegentleman indicated, with success. Dick left him at work, and kept onhis way down Nassau Street.
"A year ago," he thought, "I was just like Johnny, dressed in rags, andlivin' as I could. If it hadn't been for my meetin' with Frank, I'd beenjust the same to day, most likely. Now I've got a good place, and somemoney in the bank, besides 'ristocratic friends who invite me to comeand see them. Blessed if I aint afraid I'm dreamin' it all, like the manthat dreamed he was in a palace, and woke up to find himself in apigpen."