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Slow and Sure: The Story of Paul Hoffman the Young Street-Merchant Page 20



  On the Monday morning succeeding the attempt at burglary so happilydefeated, Paul thought he ought to go round to the counting-room ofMr. Preston and acquaint him with the particulars. He accordinglydeferred opening his place of business--if I may use so ambitious aphrase of the humble necktie stand over which he presided--and benthis steps toward Mr. Preston's counting-room. The latter had justarrived.

  "Good-morning, Paul," said Mr. Preston, smiling. "I know all aboutit."

  "About what, sir?" inquired Paul, surprised.

  "About the burglary."

  "Who told you?" our hero asked, in astonishment.

  "Didn't you know it was in the papers?"

  "No, sir."

  "I read it on my way downtown. These reporters get hold of everything.Read that."

  Mr. Preston put into Paul's hands a morning paper, pointing to thefollowing paragraph:

  "On Saturday evening an attempt was made to rob the house of NathanielTalbot, No. -- Madison avenue. The attempt was made by two well-knownburglars, familiarly known as Jack Morgan and Tom Marlowe. Theenterprise promised to be successful, as Mr. Talbot is absent inEurope with his family. During his absence the house is taken care ofby a Mrs. Hoffman, whose son Paul, a boy of sixteen, keeps a necktiestand below the Astor House. Paul, who seems to be possessed ofcourage and coolness, learned that the attempt was about to be made,and determined not only to frustrate it, but to get hold of theburglars. He gave information at police headquarters, and when thebrace of worthies arrived they met a reception as unexpected as it wasunwelcome. They were permitted to effect an entrance, and met with nodrawback till they reached the second story. Then the police madetheir appearance on the scene and effected the capture of Morgan.Marlowe succeeded in effecting his escape, but the police are on histrack, and his haunts in the city being known, there is every reasonto believe that he will be captured. Great credit is due to the boyPaul, through whose bravery and good judgment Mr. Talbot's house hasbeen saved from robbery, and probably two noted desperadoes captured."

  Paul read this paragraph with pleasure, as may readily be supposed. Hewas glad to find that his efforts in Mr. Talbot's behalf were likelyto secure recognition.

  "I never thought of getting into the papers," he said, looking up. "Idon't see how the reporters found out about it."

  "Oh, the reporters are everywhere. Probably they call every evening atpolice quarters and obtain information of all such cases. You see,Paul, you are getting famous."

  "I only did what I ought to do," said Paul, modestly.

  "I agree to that, but that is more than many of us can say. If we allcould say it with justice, we should have a very different world fromwhat we have at present."

  "Besides," said Paul, who, though he liked praise, wanted to be just,"there is some one else, a boy, too, who had more to do with theaffair than I."

  "Who was that?"

  "The boy who told me the house was to be entered."

  "Tell me all about it. I told you I knew all about it, but there isone thing the paper does not explain how you found out the plans ofthose villains."

  "I will tell you, sir. One day I saw a boy in front of theeating-house where I usually dine, who looked hungry. I have knownwhat it was to be hungry myself, and I pitied him. So I asked him inand gave him some dinner. I think it was the next day that he cameround and asked me if I did not live in Mr. Talbot's house on Madisonavenue. He said the man he lived with and another were intending tobreak into it and rob the safe. They seemed to know that my mother andmyself were the only ones who occupied it."

  "How old a boy was he?"

  "I don't know his age. He looks about twelve, but he may be older."

  "What do you suppose made him bring you the information?"

  "I think he felt grateful for the dinner I gave him."

  "Did you see him more than once?"

  "Yes, several times. It seems the two men intended at first to makethe attempt this evening, but for some reason they came to distrustthe boy, who was acquainted with their plans, and fixed it forSaturday. They didn't intend to let him know of their change of plan,but he overheard one of them talking in his sleep. He came and toldme. This was lucky, as otherwise I should not have been ready forthem."

  "What is the name of this boy?"


  "He has certainly done you and Mr. Talbot great service. What is youropinion of him? Has he been spoiled by living with thieves?"

  "I don't think he has. If he could have a chance to do better, I thinkhe would."

  "He shall have a chance. I suppose you will see him soon."

  "I shouldn't wonder if he would come round to my stand to-day."

  "If he does, bring him here."

  "Yes, sir, I will."

  "What you have told me, Paul," continued Mr. Preston, "does not lessenyour own merits. But for your kindness to this poor boy you would haveheard nothing of the intended burglary, and been unable to take themeasures which have proved so happily successful."

  "You are determined to praise me, Mr. Preston," said Paul.

  "Because you deserve it. I shall take care to write particulars to Mr.Talbot, who will doubtless have seen the paragraph you have just read,and will be interested to hear more. I shall not forget your part inthe affair."

  "Thank you, sir. I shall be glad to have Mr. Talbot know that I amfaithful to his interests."

  "He shall know it."

  A boy entered the office at this point, with a number of letters fromthe post office, and Mr. Preston began to read them. Paul saw that itwas time to go, and bade him good-morning.

  "Good-morning, Paul," said his patron. "Don't forget to bring me theboy, Julius."

  "I won't forget, sir."

  Paul was not likely to forget, for he, too, felt grateful to Julius,and was glad to think the poor boy was likely to receive a reward forhis services. Through the arrest of Jack Morgan he would be thrownupon his own exertions, and aid would doubtless be welcome. Paul feltan honorable satisfaction in knowing that he was rising in the world,and he was unselfish enough to desire to see others prosper also.

  He was not mistaken in supposing Julius would call upon him. Abouteleven o'clock he came up to the stand.

  "Good-morning, Julius," said Paul, cordially.

  "Good-morning," said the smaller boy. "Was Jack and Marlowe round toyour house last night?"


  "Was they took?" asked Julius, anxiously.

  "Morgan was captured, but Marlowe escaped."

  The boy's countenance fell, and he looked alarmed.

  "Do you think they'll take him?"

  "They are on his track. I don't think that he can escape."

  "If he does he'll kill me," said Julius; "he suspected me afore. Nowhe'll know I let out about him and Jack."

  "He won't dare to come near you."

  "Why won't he?"

  "He knows the police are after him; he'll hide somewhere."

  "I don't know," said Julius, thoughtfully.

  "He'll be awful mad with me. He'll try to do me some harm if he can."

  "I should be sorry to have any harm come to you, Julius," said Paul,earnestly. "If Marlowe is arrested it will be all right."

  "He shut me up last night before he went away; Jack and he did."

  "How was that?"

  Julius gave an account of his confinement, and how he escaped throughthe help of Mrs. O'Connor. He did not know of Marlowe's subsequentvisit to the room, and his disappointment at finding the bird flown.He did not know of this, not having dared to go round there since,lest he should come upon Jack or Marlowe. Now he knew it was only thelatter he had to fear.

  "You managed it pretty well about getting away," said Paul. "Itreminds me of something that happened to me--I was locked up in ahotel once the same way," and he gave Julius a little account of hisadventure at Lovejoy's Hotel, with the jeweler from Syracuse, asnarrated in an earlier volume of this series, "P
aul the Peddler."Julius was interested in the story.

  "Have you got any money, Julius?" asked Paul, when he had finished.

  "I've got ten cents. I didn't have much luck this mornin'. I left myblackin'-box in the room, and I didn't dare to go after it, as Ithought I might meet Marlowe or Jack."

  "Haven't you had any breakfast, then?"

  "Yes, I went down to the Long Branch boat and got a chance to carry acarpet-bag. The gentleman gave me a quarter; I spent fifteen cents forbreakfast, and I've got ten left."

  "You must stop and go to dinner with me, Julius. It is twenty minutesto eleven already. I shall go at twelve."

  "You spend too much money on me," said Julius.

  "Never mind that. Where would I be if you hadn't told me about thisburglary? I should have known nothing about it, and I might have beenmurdered. I've told about you to Mr. Preston, a friend of Mr. Talbot,whose house I live in, and he wants me to bring you round to hiscounting-room. He is going to do something for you."

  Julius brightened up. He had never had any friend excepting JackMorgan, and the reader can form some idea of the value of such afriend as Jack.

  "When does he want me to come to his room?" he asked.

  "I'll go round with you after dinner. You want to rise in the world,don't you, Julius?"

  "I'd like to, but I ain't had any chance."

  "I think Mr. Preston will give you a chance. You can be thinking whatyou would like to do, and he will help you to it."

  "I would like to go out West. I'm afraid to stay here. Marlowe mightfind me."

  "I don't know but you are right, Julius. Out West there is more of achance to rise. You can tell Mr. Preston what you wish."

  While the boys were talking a man stood near by, who listenedattentively to what was said, hearing every word. Neither Paul norJulius remarked him. He was a tall man, with red hair, and a facemarked by the smallpox. He was dressed in the garb of a sailor. Ofcourse this was Marlowe. It was imprudent for him to post himself inso public a place, but he trusted to his disguise, and he wanted tohear for himself the conversation between the two boys. He learned,what he suspected before, that to the boy, Julius, he was indebted forthe failure of his attempt at burglary. When the two boys went todinner he followed them.