Slow and Sure: The Story of Paul Hoffman the Young Street-Merchant Page 26
One morning, some months later, Paul was looking over the advertisingcolumns of the _Herald._ As his eye glanced carelessly over theChances for Business, his attention was drawn to the following:
"FOR SALE The stock and fixtures of a gentlemen's small furnishingstore. Good reasons for selling. Apply at No. -- Sixth avenue."
"I wonder how much it would cost," thought Paul. "I wish I had a smallstore instead of a stand. I could make more money. Besides, it wouldbe more comfortable in cold and stormy weather."
It was a raw morning in November. Paul had his hands in his pockets,and had much ado to keep warm. But he knew that worse days were tocome. The winter before he had suffered not a little on some days whenhe felt the necessity of keeping at his business.
"Let me see," he reflected. "I have about six hundred dollars. That issomething, but it wouldn't go far toward stocking a store. Still, Ihave a great mind to go up and look at the place, and inquire aboutterms."
The more Paul thought about it, the more he felt a desire to go. Heaccordingly got a boy, in whom he felt confidence, to attend hisstand, while he himself jumped on a Sixth avenue car and rode up tothe shop advertised.
On entering he found it small, but neat, and to all appearance a goodstand for business. The proprietor, a man of thirty-five orthereabouts, came forward.
"What can I show you?" he asked.
"I saw your advertisement in the _Herald,"_ said Paul, "and came toinquire about it. You want to sell out?"
"Yes. It is on account of my wife's health. The doctor says the cityair doesn't agree with her, and orders her into the country. I don'twant to be separated from her, and, besides, I have a chance to open astore in a country town where my uncle lives."
"Is this a good stand for business?"
"Excellent. I am making more money here than I can expect to outsideof the city; but of course that is not to be put in the scale againstmy wife's health. Were you thinking of going into the business?"
"I should like to, but I have not much capital. At what price do youvalue your stock?"
"At two thousand dollars."
"That is more money than I have got."
"I'll tell you what I will do. If you will give me a thousand dollarsdown, and give me good security for the balance, payable a year hence,I will sell out to you."
"What is the rent?"
"A thousand dollars."
"Isn't that a good deal?"
"In proportion to the value of my stock, it is, but I keep turning itover. Last year, after paying rent and all expenses, including wagesto a boy of seventeen, who assisted me, I cleared two thousanddollars."
To Paul this seemed considerable. It would be a great improvement uponhis present position, and he would enjoy much more being the owner ofa store than of a street stand. But where would he get the money?
"Couldn't you take less than a thousand dollars down?" he asked.
The man shook his head.
"I need that amount at once," he said. "You had better accept myterms. You can't do better. Can't you raise the money somewhere?"
"I will see," said Paul.
He had thought of Mr. Preston. He knew that Mr. Preston was hisfriend, and that he was fully able to assist him. He would go and seehim, and consult him about the matter, not directly asking him forhelp, but giving him an opportunity to offer.
"I will come back to-morrow and give you my answer," he said.
"Come to-night, if you can."
"Very well, I will, if possible."
Paul was fortunate enough to find Mr. Preston in.
"Good-morning, Paul," said the merchant, pleasantly; "what can I dofor you this morning?"
"I want to consult you on a matter of business, Mr. Preston."
"I shall be glad to advise you as well as I can."
Hereupon Paul explained the matter, first displaying theadvertisement.
"Do you think the shop favorably situated for business?" asked Mr.Preston.
"Yes, sir."
"Is it pretty well stocked?"
"Yes, sir. If I had it I might want to increase the stock a little."
"So the man asks a thousand dollars cash?"
"Yes, sir."
"How much money have you?"
"Six hundred."
"Well, Paul, I think favorably of your plan. If you want to take theshop, I will lend you the money you need, and stand security for theremainder."
"Thank you, sir," said Paul, joyfully.
"Wait a minute till you hear my conditions. This is strictly abusiness arrangement between us. I expect you to pay me interest atthe legal rate, and to pay it punctually as it falls due. Youunderstand that?"
"Yes, sir, that is only fair."
"As you say, it is only fair, yet borrowers are apt to forget it. Theywill make all sorts of promises when they want to borrow, and breakthem afterward. Even honest men will think it is enough to payinterest whenever it is convenient, forgetting that by their neglectthey are injuring their credit. Some years since I helped two formerclerks to establish themselves in business. Both were honest; butwhile one was prompt in all his engagements, and waited upon me on thevery day the interest came due with the money ready, the other obligedme to send for it, and then put me off on every occasion, though hepaid finally. The result was, that after a while I assisted the firstcheerfully to extend his business. The second, hearing of it, made asimilar application, which I promptly refused. Do you wonder at it?"
"Not at all, sir. I think you were perfectly right."
"Be prompt in all your engagements. That is a good rule in business,and in everything else. I have confidence in your integrity, and shallbe very glad to assist you. Go and finish your negotiation, and whenyou want the money come to me."
"Thank you, sir, not only for your kind offer, but for your advice."
"He is going to succeed," said the merchant, as Paul went out. "Hewill some day be a prosperous man."
The merchant was pleased at the respect with which his advice wasreceived. Young America is very apt to regard the counsel of the oldand experienced as of slight value; but in this they make a greatmistake. There are plenty of young men, who, from their ownself-sufficiency and impatience of good advice, go to financial ruinevery year. He shows wisdom who avails himself of the experience ofother men, avoiding their errors, and imitating what in them is worthyof imitation.
Paul returned to the shop and made a careful examination of the stock.He came to the conclusion that the price asked was not excessive, andagreed to pay it. In the course of two days the transfer wasconcluded, and Paul transferred the small stock of his necktie standto the shop which he had taken. During all this time he had saidnothing to his mother of the change he had made. He wanted to surpriseher.
"Mother," he said, on the second morning of his possession, "I wantyou to take a little walk with me this morning."
"May I go too, Paul?" asked Jimmy.
"Yes, Jimmy, I meant to invite you. So get your cap."
"Where shall we walk to, Paul?" asked his mother.
"I don't mean to tell you just yet. You will soon know."
"Is it a secret?" asked Mrs. Hoffman, smiling.
"Yes; it is a great secret."
"Then I will try to stifle my curiosity for a time."
"What is it, Paul? Whisper it to me," said Jimmy.
"You must wait, too," said Paul. "I believe you are more curious thanmother."
They had not far to walk. When they reached the shop the sign toldthem nothing, for Paul had not yet had time to have his own put up. Hehad given the order to a sign-painter, but it would take time tofulfill it.
"I want to go in here a minute," he said.
"Shall we wait outside?" asked his mother.
"No; come in. I would like to have you see the shop."
The three entered. A young clerk, who had been in the employ of theformer proprietor, and whom Paul had agreed to retai
n at the samewages, was behind the counter.
"Good-morning, Mr. Hoffman," he said.
"Have you sold anything this morning?" asked Paul.
"Yes, sir; I have entered the sales on the slate."
"Let me see them."
"A new style of necktie is out. I think it will be well to get it. Itwas asked for this morning."
"Very well. Just make a memorandum of it."
"Paul," said Mrs. Hoffman, who had listened to the conversation insurprise, "have you anything to do with this store?"
"I am the proprietor," answered Paul, smiling.
"Is it true? How did it happen?"
"I wanted to surprise you, mother, and so I told you nothing aboutit."
"When did you come into it?"
"This is only the second day. Mr. Preston helped me, or I could nothave carried out the arrangement."
"Do you think you can pay all your expenses and make money?" askedMrs. Hoffman, a little frightened when she heard of the rent whichPaul had agreed to pay.
"I mean to try, mother. I don't feel much afraid. I shall devotemyself faithfully to business, and if I don't do well it won't be myfault."
We have kept our promise, and shown how Paul advanced slowly butsurely from the humble position of a street merchant to be theproprietor of a shop. Now that several years have elapsed, I am ableto say that he succeeded, even beyond his anticipations. At the end oftwo years he took a larger shop and engaged two extra clerks. Promptin his engagements, and of thorough integrity, he is likely to be evenmore prosperous as the years roll on.
His mother is no longer dependent upon him. Mr. Henderson, the Englishartist, now able to obtain purchasers for his pictures at remunerativeprices, asked her to become his wife and a mother to his little girl,and, after a little hesitation, she consented, partly, I think,because Jimmy liked the artist so much. Mr. Henderson took pains toinstruct Jimmy and develop his talent, with such encouraging successthat Paul's prediction seems likely to be fulfilled, and I shall notbe surprised if the name of James Hoffman should, before many years,rank among the most prominent in the list of our artists.
Julius, as I have already stated, left the streets of New York for ahome in the West. His old enemies, Jack Morgan and Tom Marlowe, weresentenced to a long imprisonment in Sing Sing. Marlowe threatensvengeance upon Julius whenever he gets free from prison. Whether hewill have an opportunity of carrying out his threat I cannot tell.