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Alice's Adventures in Wonderland. By LEWIS CARROLL, 12mo, cloth, 42illustrations, price 75 cents.
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Through the Looking Glass, and What Alice Found There. By LEWISCARROLL. 12mo, cloth, 50 illustrations, price 75 cents.
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Little Lucy's Wonderful Globe. By CHARLOTTE M. YONGE. 12mo, cloth,illustrated, price 75 cents.
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"Wonderful as the adventures of Joan are, it must be admitted thatthey are very naturally worked out and very plausibly presented.Altogether this is an excellent story for girls."--Saturday Review.
Count Up the Sunny Days: A Story for Girls and Boys. By C. A. JONES.12mo, cloth, illustrated, price 75 cents.
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For sale by all booksellers, or sent postpaid on receipt of price bythe publisher, A. L. BURT, 52-88 Duane Street, New York.