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A Cousin's Conspiracy; Or A Boy's Struggle for an Inheritance Page 3
A Cousin's Conspiracy; Or A Boy's Struggle for an Inheritance Read online
Page 3
Arrived at the tree, Ernest measured off five feet in the directionmentioned by Peter and began to dig. It did not take him long to reach thebox, for it was only a foot beneath the surface of the ground.
It proved to be a cigar box, for Peter was fond of smoking, though heusually smoked a pipe. Ernest lifted the lid, and saw a small rollinclosed in brown wrapping paper, which on being removed revealed twentyfive-dollar gold pieces. He regarded them with satisfaction, for theyafforded him the means of leaving Oak Forks and going into the great worldwhich he had such a curiosity to enter.
Hidden behind a tree only a few feet away was Tom Burns, the tramp andvagabond.
He had come from Daneboro, and was prowling round the neighborhoodsearching for old Peter's hidden treasure. He had deliberated as towhether the cabin or the fields was the more likely place to have beenselected. He had nothing in particular to guide him. He did not, however,venture to approach the house just yet, as it would probably be occupiedby Ernest.
"I wish I knowed where the old man hid his boodle," muttered Tom. "I can'tdig all over."
In fact, digging was not in Tom's line. It was too much like work, and ifthere was anything to which Tom was bitterly opposed it was work of anykind.
"The boy must know. Likely the old man told him," he finally concluded."I'll watch the boy."
He therefore lost no time in prowling around the cabin, with the especialobject of watching Ernest's movements. He was especially favored, as hethought, when from a distance he saw Ernest leaving the cabin with thespade in his hand.
The tramp's heart was filled with joy.
"He is going to dig for the treasure," he said. "I'll keep him in sight."
Tom Burns had no difficulty in doing this, for Ernest bent his steps inhis direction.
"I hope he won't discover me," thought Burns; "at any rate not till I findout where he's going to dig."
All things seemed to favor the tramp. Ernest stopped when he came to theoak tree, and it was evident that this was the spot of which he was insearch.
"Why, that's where I was lyin' the other night!" thought Burns. "If I hadonly knowed! Why, the gold was right under me all the time."
He watched with eagerness while Ernest was digging. He no longer doubtedthat this was the place where the gold was hidden. Ernest could have noother object in digging in this place.
"I wonder how much there is," thought Burns. "There ought to be as much asa thousand dollars. Perhaps there's two or three. But even if there isonly a thousand it will set me on my feet. I'll soon get out of thisneighborhood. I'll go to Chicago or New York, and I'll live in clover.I'll make up for lost time."
When Ernest found the roll of coins, and taking them out put them in hispocket, he was not disappointed, for he knew what to expect, but Tom Burnswas in dismay.
"Only a hundred dollars!" he thought. "What's a hundred dollars? The oldman ought to be ashamed of himself!"
However, one thing was certain. A hundred dollars was better than nothing.It would take him to Chicago and enable him to live in comfort for awhile. Besides, he might multiply it many times at the gaming table, forTom Burns had been a gambler in his day. He certainly did not propose todisdain the sum which fortune had placed in his way because it was sosmall.
Ernest put the gold pieces in his pocket and turned to go back to thecabin, when a voice reached him.
"Look here, boy, I'll trouble you to hand over that money!"
Ernest turned and regarded the tramp in amazement.
"What do you mean?" he demanded.
"I want that money you just dug up," replied Tom Burns boldly.
Instantly Ernest comprehended his danger. He was a stout boy, but thetramp was a large man, weighing probably fifty pounds more than himself.The boy felt that in strength he was no match for the thief who confrontedhim.
Yet he could not bear the thought of allowing himself to be robbed. Leftpenniless, how could he carry out the plans which he had in view? He triedto gain time.
"Do you want to rob me?" he asked.
"I have just as much right to that money as you," said the tramp.
"How do you make that out?"
"The man who put it there owed me money."
"Do you think I am a fool, to believe that ridiculous story?"
"You'd better be careful how you talk!" said Burns, menacingly.
"Then all I can say is that you have told a falsehood. You are the man, Isuppose, who entered our cabin at night and stole money out of a trunk."
"I don't know anything about your trunk!" said Burns. "But I have no timeto talk; I want that money!"
Ernest looked about him, hoping to see some one to whom he could appealfor help, but no one appeared in sight. Next he looked at the tramp, tonote if he were armed. To his relief, Burns did not appear to have anyweapon with him.
"I won't give up the money to a thief!" he said boldly.
As he spoke he turned and ran as fast as he was able.
Winged with fear of losing his gold, Ernest flew rather than ran, notheeding the direction he was taking. The tramp accepted the challenge andput forth his utmost speed in the hope of overtaking him.
"You'll pay for this, boy!" he growled.
But Ernest did not mean to be caught. Being a fast runner for a boy of hissize, he bade fair to outdistance his pursuer. But directly in his pathwas an excavation of considerable size and depth. Ernest paused on thebrink to consider whether to descend the sloping sides or to go round it.The delay was fatal. The tramp saw his advantage, and pushing forwardseized him by the collar.
"I've caught you!" he cried triumphantly. "Now give me the money!"
There was a brief struggle, but a boy, even a strong boy, was no match fora man taller and heavier than himself. The gold pieces were snatched fromhim, and the tramp, releasing his hold, was about to make off in triumphwhen he found himself seized in turn.
"Why, you contemptible thief!" exclaimed Luke Robbins--for it was he whoseopportune coming had saved Ernest from being plundered. "Are you trying torob the boy?"
He seized the tramp by the collar, forced him to give up the gold he hadjust snatched from Ernest and flung him on his back.
The tramp's surprise deepened to dismay when, looking up, he saw thestalwart hunter with stern face looking down upon him.
"It was my money," he whined.
"Your money, you owdacious liar! Don't tell me that or I'll treat youworse!"
"But it was. I had hidden it under a tree. I came along just as the boydug it up. I told him to give it to me, for it was mine, but he wouldn't,and then I chased him."
"What's the truth of the matter, Ernest?" asked Luke.
"It was money that Peter Brant had hidden away. He told me on hisdeath-bed where to look for it."
"I thought it was Peter's."
"I had just dug it up and put it in my pocket when this man came along. Heordered me to give it to him."
"Did he say he hid it there?"
"No. He said that Peter owed him money, and he wanted it."
"You appear to be a very ingenious liar," remarked Luke, turning to thetramp. "Which of these stories do you want me to believe?"
"I hid it there!" said the tramp doggedly.
"Then why did you tell the boy that Peter owed you money?"
"Because I didn't think he would believe that I hid it."
"You are right there. He don't believe it, nor do I. One thing more--wereyou the man that broke into his cabin and stole two gold pieces from histrunk?"
"No. I don't know anything about it."
"Of course you would deny it. All the same I have no doubt that you werethe man."
"If I had done it he would have seen me."
"That won't go down. He was asleep. Ernest, what shall I do with thisfellow? Shall I shoot him?" and Luke Robbins pulled out a revolver, whichhe handled in a significant way.
"Don't shoot! Spare my life, Mr. Robbins!" cried the tramp in greatalarm.
"Humph! I don't see the good. Your life is of no value to the world."
"Let him go, Luke," said Ernest, "but tell him to clear out of thisneighborhood."
"It is treating him too well. Still, I will do as you say. Hark, youfellow, what is your name?"
"Tom Burns."
"You are a disgrace to the name of Burns. If I spare your life will youleave this neighborhood and never come back?"
"Yes--yes!" answered the tramp earnestly.
"You'd better keep that promise. If I ever catch sight of you again I'llshoot without asking you any questions! Now get!"
Tom Burns got up and started away with celerity. He thought it wise to putas great a distance as possible between himself and the tall and stalwarthunter.
"I'll scare him a little," said Luke.
He fired after the fugitive, taking care not to hit him, however. TomBurns heard the bullet whistling by his head, and with a cry of terrorincreased his speed till he reached a place where he felt secure.
"That is a terrible man!" he panted. "He'd as soon take my life as not. Iwon't get in his way again if I can help it."
"Well, Ernest, where do you want to go? What are your plans?"
"I don't know," answered Ernest gravely. "I am not sure that I have anyplans. I feel upset completely."
"Sit down here and I'll talk to you."
The two sat down together.
"Now, how much money have you got?"
"A hundred dollars."
"It isn't much. Is that all that your uncle left?"
"I think so. He said nothing about having more."
"It isn't much to begin the world with. I wish for your sake, boy, that Ihad some to give you, but I never knew how to get together money."
"I guess it will do, Luke. I have health and strength. I think I can makemy way."
"But you have no trade."
"Have you?"
"No, Ernest. You've got me there. I am only a hunter, but I don't makemuch of a living. I don't recommend you to follow in my steps."
"One thing is certain, Luke. I must get away from here. There is nothing Ican do in Oak Forks."
"Where do you want to go, lad?"
"I don't know. I might go eastward to Chicago or New York, or I might goWest to California. Have you ever been to either place, Luke?"
"No, lad, but if I had my choice I'd go westward. I've heard fine storiesof California. I think I should like to see that land."
"Why don't you go?"
"Stop a minute! Let me think!"
The hunter assumed a thoughtful look. He remained silent for five minutes.Then he said, as if to himself: "Why not?"
Ernest still kept silence, but his eyes were fixed upon the face of thehunter.
Finally Luke looked up.
"How do you want to go, lad?" he asked. "Do you want to go over therailroad, or are you in for a tramp over the mountains and plains?"
"That depends on whether I am to go alone or not. If I go alone I shallprefer to go by rail."
"Are you in for a long tramp with me?" asked Luke, his face glowing withnew-born enthusiasm.
"I will go anywhere with you, Luke."
"Then it is agreed. We will start to-morrow."
Nothing could have pleased Ernest better than to travel with Luke Robbins.He felt that he should be safe with the sturdy hunter, who was strong,resolute and reliable.
True he was not a man who had succeeded as man reckons success. He hadlived comfortably, but it had never occurred to him to lay up money, norindeed had he had any opportunity to do so. He mentioned this as anobjection to the trip which he had himself proposed.
"My lad," he said, "I am afraid I can't go with you after all."
"Why not, Luke?"
"Because you're rich compared with me."
"I have but a hundred dollars."
"And I--well, lad, I'm ashamed to say so, but I have only fifteen."
"We'll share and share alike, Luke."
"No, lad. Luke Robbins is too proud to live upon a boy. I reckon I'dbetter stay at home."
"But I want you to go and take care of me, Luke. How can I travel alone?"
Luke brightened up.
"That puts a different face on it, Ernest. If you think you need me, I'llgo."
"I do need you."
"Then go I will, but one thing is understood: I won't take any of yourmoney."
"There won't be any trouble on that score."
So the two prepared for their trip. Ernest, with Luke's help, purchased anoutfit, and on the morning of the third day the two started out together,neither having a very definite idea where they were going except thattheir course was westward.
Luke knew very little of the States and Territories that lay between OakForks and the Pacific Coast. Ernest, whose education was decidedlysuperior to his companion's, was able to give him some information. Sothey plodded on, enjoying the unconventional life and the scenery on theway.
They were in no hurry. They stopped to hunt and fish, and when the weatherwas unfavorable they stayed at some wayside cabin. When the nights werefine they camped out under the open canopy of heaven.
Part of their way led through woods and over prairies, but here and therethey came to a village. There was little occasion to spend money, but theywere compelled to use some.
One day, some weeks from the time when they started, Luke turned to Ernestwith a sober face.
"Ernest," he said, "I think you'll have to leave me at the nextpoorhouse."
"Why, Luke?"
"Because my money is nearly all gone. I started with fifteen dollars. NowI have but one."
"But I have plenty left."
"That doesn't help me."
"I want to share it with you, Luke."
"Don't you remember what I said when we set out, lad?"
"What was it?"
"That I would not touch a dollar of your money."
"Then do you mean to leave me alone, Luke?" pleaded Ernest reproachfully.
"You are a boy and I am a man. I'm forty years old, Ernest. Is it rightthat I should live on a boy less than half my age?"
Ernest looked at him in perplexity.
"Is there no way of getting more money?" he asked.
"If we were in California now and at the mines, I might make shift to fillmy purse; but there are no mines hereabouts."
"Let us keep on and something may turn up."
When this conversation took place they were approaching Emmonsville, athriving town in Nebraska. As they walked through the principal street, itwas clear that something had happened which had created generalexcitement. Groups of people were talking earnestly, and their faces worea perturbed and anxious look.
"What's the matter?" asked Luke, addressing a well-to-do appearing man.
"Haven't you heard of the bank robbery over at Lee's Falls?"
"Two men fully armed rode up to the door, and, dismounting, entered thebank. One stepped up to the window of the paying teller, and covering himwith his revolver, demanded five thousand dollars. At the same time theother stood in the doorway, also with a loaded revolver."
"Why didn't the teller shoot him down?" asked Luke.
"My friend, bank officers are not provided with loaded revolvers when onduty. Besides, the ruffian had the drop on him."
"Well?" asked Luke.
"What could the teller do? Life is more than money, and he had noalternative. The fellow got the money."
"Did he get away with it?"
"Yes; they both mounted their horses and rode off, no one daring tointerfere. Each held his revolver in readiness to shoot the first man thatbarred his way."
"Where did you say this happened?"
"At Lee's Falls."
"Is it near at hand?"
"It is fifteen miles away."
"But why should that robbery create excitement here?"
"Because we have a bank here, and we are expecting a visit from the sameparties."
"Who are they?"
"They are supposed to be the Fox brothers, two of the most notoriouscriminals in the West. Numberless stories are told of their boldrobberies, both from individuals and from banks."
"How long have these fellows been preying upon the community?"
"We have heard of them hereabouts for three years. It is said they camefrom Missouri."
"Is there no one brave enough or bold enough to interfere with them?"
"More than one has tried it, but no one has succeeded. Twice they werecaptured, but in each case they broke jail before it was time for thetrial."
"It seems to me you haven't many men of spirit in Nebraska."
"Perhaps you think you would be a match for them," said the citizen in asarcastic tone.
Luke Robbins smiled, and handled his revolver in a significant way.
"If you think you can kill or capture them, stranger, there's a chance tomake a good sum of money."
"How is that?"
"A thousand dollars is offered for either of them, dead or alive."
"A thousand dollars!" repeated Luke, his face glowing with excitement. "Isthat straight?"
"It will be paid cheerfully. You can bet on that."
"Who offers it?"
"The governor of the State."
Luke Robbins became thoughtful and remained silent.