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In A New World; or, Among The Gold Fields Of Australia Page 3
In A New World; or, Among The Gold Fields Of Australia Read online
Page 3
"What led you to come out here, Mr. Stackpole?" asked Harry.
"Well, a kinder rovin' disposition, I guess. A year ago I was inCaliforny, but things didn't pan out very well, so when I read accountsof the gold fields out here, I jist dropped my pick and started, andhere I am."
"Didn't you find any gold-dust in California?" asked Fletcher, withsudden interest.
"Well, I found _some_," answered the Yankee, with drawling deliberation,"but not enough to satisfy me. You see," he added, "I've got two to makemoney for."
"And who are those two?" inquired Fletcher.
"The first is my old dad--he's gettin' kinder broken down, and can'twork as well as he could when he was a young man. He's got athousand-dollar mortgage on his farm, and I want to pay that off. It'llkinder ease the old man's mind."
"That a very excellent object, Mr. Stackpole," said Harry, who feltstill more drawn to his plain, ungainly, but evidently good-heartedcompanion.
"I think so myself," said Obed simply.
"The other person is your wife, I fancy," said Fletcher.
"I expect she will be my wife when I get forehanded enough," repliedObed. "It's Suke Stanwood, one of Farmer Stanwood's gals. We was raisedtogether, and we've been engaged for nigh on to five years."
"Very romantic!" said Fletcher, but there was a veiled sneer in histone, as he scanned with contemptuous amusement the ungainly figure ofhis Yankee companion.
"I don't know much about such things," said Obed, "but I guess Suke andI will pull together well."
"You are not exactly a young man," said Fletcher. "You've waited sometime."
"I'm thirty-nine last birthday," said Obed. "I was engaged ten yearsago, but the girl didn't know her own mind, and she ran off with a manthat came along with a photograph saloon. I guess it's just as well, forshe was always rather flighty."
"It is very strange she should have deserted a man of your attractions,"said Fletcher with a smile.
Harry was indignant at this open ridicule of so honest and worthy afellow as Stackpole, and he wondered whether the Yankee would be obtuseenough not to see it. His doubt was soon solved.
"It looks to me as if you was pokin' fun at me, Fletcher," said Obed,with a quiet, steady look at the other. "I'm a good-natured fellow inthe main, but I don't stand any nonsense. I know very well I'm a roughlooking chap, and I don't mind your sayin' so, but I aint willin' to belaughed at."
"My dear fellow," said Fletcher smoothly, "you quite mistake my meaning,I assure you. I am the last person to laugh at you. I think you are toomodest, though. You are what may be called a 'rough diamond.'"
"I accept your apology, Fletcher," said Obed. "If no offence was meant,none is taken. I don't know much about diamonds, rough or smooth, but atany rate I aint a paste one."
"A good hit! Bravo!" laughed Fletcher. "You are a man of greatpenetration, Stackpole, and a decided acquisition to our party."
"I'm glad you think so," said Obed dryly. "If I remember right, youdidn't want me to join you."
"At first I did not, but I have changed my mind. I didn't know youthen."
"And I don't know you now," said Obed bluntly. "If you don't mind, s'poseyou tell us what brought you out here."
Fletcher frowned and regarded the Yankee suspiciously, as if seeking hismotive in asking this question, but his suspicions were dissipated by aglance at that honest face, and he answered lightly, "Really, thereisn't much to tell. My father was a merchant of Manchester, and tried tomake me follow in his steps, but I was inclined to be wild, incurredsome debts, and finally threw up business and came out here."
"Have you prospered as far as you've gone?"
"Yes and no. I've made money and I've spent it, and the accounts areabout even."
"That means you haven't much left."
"Right you are, my friend, but in your steady company I mean to turnover a new leaf, and go in for money and respectability. Now I've made aclean breast of it, and you know all about me."
In spite of this statement there was not one of his three companions whodid not feel sure that there was much in Fletcher's history which he hadkept concealed, and possibly for very good reasons.
The path of a gold-seeker in Australia was beset with difficulties. Thecountry about Melbourne, and far inland, was boggy, the soil beingvolcanic, and abounding in mud which appears to have no bottom. The roadto the mines was all the worse for having been ploughed up by bullockteams, and worked into a slough which proved the discouragement ofmining parties. Some were even months in traversing the comparativelysmall distance across the country to the goal they sought. But theattraction of money, which is said to make the mare go, enabled them totriumph at last over the obstacles that intervened. It was not longbefore our party began to understand the nature of the task they hadundertaken. The cart sank up to the hubs in a bog, and the oxen stoodstill in patient despair.
"Well, if this don't beat all creation!" ejaculated Obed. "I've been inthe Western States, and I thought I knew something about mud, butAustraly's ahead. I say, Fletcher, is there much of this that we've gotto go through?"
"Mud's the rule, and dry land the exception," answered Fletcher coolly.
"Well, that's comfortin'!" remarked Stackpole, drawing a deep breath. "Is'pose people do get through after a while."
"Yes, generally. I was six weeks getting to the Ovens once."
"I wish we had some ovens to bake this mud," said Obed, with a grimsmile at his joke. "It would take a powerful large one."
There was nothing for it but dogged perseverance. It took an hour to getthe oxen and cart through a bog a hundred feet across, and theappearance of the party, when they finally reached the other side, wasmore picturesque than attractive.
"How would Clinton get along here?" suggested Harry. "I can imagine thepoor fellow's despair."
"His trousers would suffer some," said Jack. "I think it would break hisheart. The sea is much nicer. If we could only go by water," and theyoung sailor looked down at his mud-bedraggled clothes, and his shoescaked thickly over with the tenacious mud.
"Yes, the sea would be cleaner at any rate. I agree with you there,Jack."
Arrived on the other side of the bog, they were obliged to give thetired cattle a rest. Indeed, they needed rest themselves.
At the end of the day they made an encampment. As well as they couldjudge, they were about eight miles from Melbourne.
"Eight miles; and how far is the whole distance?" asked Harry.
"About a hundred miles," answered Fletcher.
"At this rate, we can go through in twelve or thirteen days, then."
"You mustn't expect this rate of speed," said Fletcher. "We shan'taverage over five miles."
"Well, I hope we'll get paid for it," said Obed. "If we don't I'd betterhave stayed in Californy. We haven't any such mines as this in thatcountry."
"You'd better have stayed there," said Fletcher dryly, and he evidentlywished that his companion had done so.
"'Variety's the spice of life,' as my old schoolmaster used to say,"responded Obed. "I kinder want to see what Australy is like. All thesame I don't want to stump through to the other side of the globe."
The travellers encamped for the night in a dry spot among a group ofgum-trees, and it may readily be believed that all slept well. The boysfelt dead tired, and it was with difficulty they were awakened in themorning.
About five o'clock Fletcher opened his eyes. He was one who slept fast,so to speak, and obtained as much refreshment from an hour's sleep asmost people do from a period twice as long. He had been lying on theground wrapped in a blanket, as was the case with the other members ofthe party.
Raising himself, and leaning on his elbow, he saw that they were allfast asleep. He nodded with satisfaction, and getting on his feet heapproached Obed Stackpole with noiseless tread. The Yankee was sleepingwith his mouth wide open, occasionally emitting a sonorous snore throughhis aquiline nose. He was not beau
tiful to look upon, as Fletcherevidently thought.
"Ill-favored brute!" he ejaculated. "I'd like to choke him!"
If any special advantage had been likely to accrue to him, Fletcher'sconscience would not have been likely to stand in the way of violence;but his purpose now was different.
"The fellow must have gold about him," muttered Fletcher. "I wonderwhether I can get at it without waking him up."
Obed seemed to be in a profound slumber, but it was a peculiarity of ourYankee friend to wake at the least touch. This, of course, was not knownto Dick Fletcher, who felt that there would be no risk in a carefulexploration of Obed's pockets.
He thrust his hand into one of the Yankee's pockets with the practicedskill of a pickpocket, when an entirely unexpected result followed.
"Why, you skunk, what in creation are you about?" exclaimed Obed,suddenly seizing Fletcher by the throat.
"Let me go!" said Fletcher, struggling violently, but ineffectually, tofree himself.
"Not till you've told me what you are after."
"Let go, and I'll tell you."
Obed loosened his grip, saying sternly, "Are you a pickpocket, myenterprising friend, or what is the meaning of all this business?"
"You had better not insult me!" said Fletcher angrily. "I'm no more apickpocket than you are."
"Then what is the meaning of your little game? Maybe you got up in yoursleep."
"No, I didn't. I just waked up, and thought I'd like to have a smoke,but had no matches. I thought you might have some in your pocket."
"Why didn't you wake me up and ask me?"
"You looked so comfortable, and I thought you needed rest after a hardday's work, so I decided to help myself."
"It looks like it," responded Obed dryly. "So that's all you were after,was it?"
"Of course," said Fletcher, regaining confidence. "What else could itbe?"
"Well, it strikes me it's rather takin' a liberty with a gentleman tosearch his pockets while he's asleep, that's all! In Californy,Fletcher, if you had been caught doin' it, ten chances to one you'd havebeen lynched, and lynchin' isn't usually regarded as comfortable ordesirable. Where's your cigar?"
"I haven't any, but I've got a pipe."
"Well, I do happen to have a few matches in my other pocket, but I'drather you'd ask for 'em next time."
"I will. The fact is, I ought to have brought some with me. It's verystrange, old traveller as I am."
"It would have been a little better than borrowin' them of a sleepin'man without leave. Don't do it again, Fletcher."
"I'm not very likely to borrow them of you again, except when you'reawake," said Fetcher with a short laugh. "Do you always wake up soeasy?" he asked, in some curiosity.
"Always. I sleep mighty sound, but the least touch wakes me up."
"I shall remember that," thought Fletcher. "This Yankee is rather adangerous man to tackle. I won't attempt it again unless I have thedecided advantage."
"I hope you'll excuse me, Mr. Stackpole," he said aloud in a smoothtone. "I used to travel with a friend--a great chum of mine--and wenever stood on ceremony with each other. I ought to have remembered thatyou and I are comparatively new acquaintances."
"Perhaps it will be best," said Obed dryly. "You see when I wake up Idon't always have my wits about me, and I might cut up rough before Ihad time to think."
"Oh, no apologies, I beg," said Fletcher, waving his hand.
"Who's apologizin'?" demanded Obed, in surprise.
"Never mind, it's all right! I thought you were apologizing for seizingme by the throat. As you say, you waked up suddenly, and didn't haveyour wits about you."
"Well, I know!" ejaculated Obed half to himself. "I didn't think of thatway of puttin' it. You're a cute fellow, Fletcher."
"Thank you, Mr. Stackpole. Now I will have my smoke;" and Fletcher,though he did not care for it, by way of removing any lingeringsuspicion, lit his pipe and puffed away with apparent pleasure.
"I mistrust that man Fletcher," said Obed to Harry Vane the next day,taking the opportunity when, at one of their rests, the man referred tohad sauntered into the woods.
"I don't like him myself," said Harry. "Have you any particular reasonfor mistrusting him?"
"He was searchin' my pockets last night when he thought I was asleep,"answered Obed, and he related the incident of the night before.
"It looks suspicious," said Harry. "I have not much money, but I don'tcare to lose what I have."
"I should like to shake him, but I don't see how we can very well. He'sa reg'lar member of the party."
"We can be on our guard at any rate," said Harry. "I'll tell Jack, andadvise him to be careful also."
At this point Dick Fletcher returned. He looked suspiciously from one tothe other, under the impression that something had been said about him.He asked no questions, however, and no information was volunteered. Hecould not but observe, however, that there was more or less restraint inthe manner of his companions toward him, and that they were not disposedto be social.
That day they made nine miles, the road being slightly better than theday before. About five o'clock they reached a rude wayside inn, over thedoor of which was a swinging sign, on which was printed:
"We might as well stop here, instead of camping out," said Fletcher.
"I'm agreeable," said Obed, "if the tax isn't too high."
"Oh, Linton is moderate in his charges," said Fletcher. "I've known hima good while. He's a good fellow."
This was not a very valuable recommendation in the opinion of Obed andthe two boys, but they had no objection to becoming guests of theestablishment.
It was a rude building, and the accommodations were very limited. Infact, there were but two sleeping rooms. One of these Fletcher occupied,and the other was given up to the other members of the party, therebeing two beds.
"I'd rather bunk in with you, if you don't mind," said Stackpole toHarry. "I don't feel easy in the same room with Fletcher."
"We shall be very glad of your company, Mr. Stackpole."
"If I snore, just come and turn me over. I don't want to disturbnobody."
"I think Jack and I will be too sound asleep to be disturbed by yoursnoring," said Harry with a laugh. "However, if there is any occasion, Iwill follow your directions."
The landlord was a broad-shouldered man of moderate stature, who hadlost the sight of one eye. The other, being covered with a green shade,gave him an ill look. His manner, however, was hearty, and showed abluff, off-hand cordiality, as he welcomed the party to thehospitalities of the Travellers' Rest. He was familiarly called "Larry,"by Fletcher, who greeted him like an old comrade.
The supper consisted in part of their own supplies, with some smalladditions from the larder of the inn. It was, at any rate, animprovement upon their camp fare, and the boys enjoyed it.
After supper they sat down on a settle in front of the inn, butpresently Fletcher strayed away into the woods at the back of the house.Some fifteen minutes later Larry Linton also got up, but ostentatiouslywent in a different direction.
"I'm going a little ways to a squatter's to speak about somevegetables," he said.
"If you don't mind company, I'll go along too," said Obed.
"Better not," answered Larry. "There's a boggy spot which a stranger islikely to fall into."
"I've had enough of bogs," said Obed, shrugging his shoulders. "Seems tome you haven't got much besides bogs out in Australy."
So Linton went off by himself. After he was fairly out of the way, Obedsaid, turning to the two boys. "Did you think I wanted to go off withLinton?"
"I supposed so, as you made the proposal."
"I only wanted to find out if he wanted me or not. I have mysuspicions."
"What kind of suspicions?"
Harry was the speaker, as usual, for Jack never took the lead when Harrywas present.
"Fletcher and Linton
are too thick together to suit me," answered theYankee. "Looks as if they was in league together."
"Do you think they have arranged a meeting?"
"That's just what I do think."
"But they have gone in different directions," objected Jack.
"Bless your simple heart, my boy, that's done on purpose," said Obed."Can't they fetch round together without our knowing it?"
"I didn't think of that," Jack admitted.
"Mr. Stackpole," said Harry after a moment's thought, "if you and Jackwill keep each other company, I will explore a little myself. I mayhappen to be at the conference."
"Be careful if you do, Harry," said Obed. "Don't run no risk."
"I'll look out for that."
In the rear of the house, and almost reaching to it, was a forest ofeucalyptus trees. It was unfavorable to Harry's purpose that these treesrise straight from the ground, and are not encumbered by underbrush. Itwas very pleasant walking though, and Harry sauntered along at hisleisure. He almost forgot the object of his enterprise, until some halfan hour later, in the stillness of the woods, his quick ear caught thesound of voices.
He was instantly on the alert. The voices, he doubted not, were those ofDick Fletcher and Larry Linton. He moved forward cautiously, and soonespied the speakers. They were sitting on the ground, under theoverreaching boughs of a gigantic tree. Harry managed to get near enoughto listen to the conversation, being himself concealed from view behindthe trunk of a neighboring tree.
"Is there much money in the party?" he heard Linton ask.