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Try and Trust; Or, Abner Holden's Bound Boy Page 4
Try and Trust; Or, Abner Holden's Bound Boy Read online
Page 4
After his collision with the traveler, Herbert hurried on to the mill,intent upon making up for lost time. He was satisfied with havingsuccessfully maintained his rights; and, as he had no reason to supposehe should ever again see his unreasonable opponent, dismissed him fromhis thoughts.
On reaching the mill, he found he should have to remain an hour or twobefore he could have his grain ground. He was not sorry for this, as itwould give him an opportunity to walk around the village.
"I wish," he thought, "I could get a place in one of the stores here.There's more going on than there is in Waverley, and I could go overSundays to see Dr. Kent's family."
On the spur of the moment, he resolved to inquire if some of thestorekeepers did not require help. There was a large dry-goodsstore--the largest in the village--kept by Beckford & Keyes. He enteredand inquired for the senior partner.
"Mr. Beckford is not in," said the clerk. "Mr. Keyes is standing at thatdesk."
Herbert went up to the desk, and said inquiringly, "Mr. Keyes?"
"That is my name," said that gentleman, pleasantly. "Is there anything Ican do for you?"
"I am in search of a place," said our hero, "and I thought you mighthave a vacancy here."
"We have none just at present," said Mr. Keyes, who was favorablyimpressed by Herbert's appearance; "but it is possible we may have in afew weeks. Where do you live? Not in the village, I suppose?"
"No, sir," said Herbert, and a shadow passed over his face, "My motherdied three weeks since, and I am now stopping at the house of Dr. Kent."
"Dr. Kent--ah, yes, I know the doctor. He is an excellent man."
"He is," said Herbert, warmly. "He has been very kind to me."
"What is your name?"
"Herbert Mason."
"Then, Herbert, I will promise to bear you in mind. I will note downyour name and address, and as soon as we have a vacancy I will write toyou. Come into the store whenever you come this way."
"Thank you," said Herbert.
He left the store feeling quite encouraged. Even if the chance neveramounted to anything, the kind words and manner of the storekeeper gavehim courage to hope that he would meet with equal kindness from others.Kind words cost nothing, but they have a marvelous power in lighteningthe burdens of the sorrowful and cheering the desponding.
Herbert left the store, feeling that he should consider himself trulyfortunate if he could obtain a place in such an establishment. Butthere was a rough experience before him, of which at present he guessednothing.
After sauntering about the village a little longer, and buying a stickof candy for little Mary Kent, the doctor's only daughter, who was quiteattached to Herbert, our hero got back to the mill in time to receivehis bags of meal, with which he was soon on his way homeward.
About the place where he met Mr. Holden he was hailed by a man at workin the field--the same who had taken back that gentleman's horse to thestable.
"Well, boy, you had a kind of scrimmage, didn't you, coming over?"
"Did you see it?" asked Herbert.
"Yes," said the other, grinning. "I seed the other feller in the mudpuddle. He was considerably riled about it."
"It was his own fault. I gave him half the road."
"I know it; but there's some folks that want more than their share."
"Was his buggy broken? I don't know but I ought to have stopped to helphim, but he had been so unreasonable that I didn't feel much like it."
"His wheel got broken. I drawed the buggy into the bushes. There 'tisnow. It'll cost him a matter of ten dollars to fix it."
"I'm sorry for that," said Herbert; "but I can't see that I was to blamein the matter. If I had turned out as he wanted me to, I should havetipped over, and, as the wagon didn't belong to me, I didn't think itright to risk it."
"Of course not. You wasn't called on to give in to suchunreasonableness."
"Where did the man go?"
"He concluded to walk on to Waverley, and hired me to take the horseback to the stable. He wanted to know who you were."
"Did he?"
"Maybe he's goin' to sue you for damages."
"I don't believe he'll get much if he does," laughed our hero. "Myproperty is where he can't get hold of it."
"Ho! ho!" laughed the other, understanding the joke.
After this conversation Herbert continued on his way, and, afterdelivering the grain, took his way across the fields to his temporaryhome. He entered by the back yard. Little Mary came running out to meethim.
"Have oo come back, Herbert?" she said. "Where have oo been?"
"Been to buy Mary some candy," he said, lifting her up and kissing her.
"Whose horse is that at the gate?" asked Herbert, as the doctor's wifeentered the room.
"It belongs to Captain Ross," she said. "He has come on businessconnected with you."
"Connected with me!" repeated Herbert, in surprise.
"Yes, my dear boy, I am afraid we must make up our minds to lose you."
"Has he found a place for me?" asked Herbert, in a tone ofdisappointment.
"Yes, I believe he has bound you out to a man in Cranston."
"I am sorry," said Herbert.
"I shall be sorry to have you go, Herbert, but I thought you wanted togo."
"So I do; but by waiting a few weeks I could probably get a place inBeckford & Keyes' store, at the mill village."
"What makes you think so?"
Herbert detailed his interview of the morning with the junior partner.Just at this moment the doctor entered the kitchen.
"Have you told him?" he inquired, looking at his wife.
"Yes, and he says that but for this he might probably have got a chanceto go into Beckford's store at the mill village."
"I am sorry for this. They are good men, and he would have been near us,while Cranston is forty miles away."
"Who is the man that wants me?" asked Herbert.
"A Mr. Holden. He is in the other room with Captain Ross. It wasall arranged before they came. He wants you to go with him to-morrowmorning."
"So soon?" said Herbert, in dismay.
"Yes. At first he wished you to set off with him this afternoon; but Itold him decidedly you could not be ready."
"Quite impossible," said Mrs. Kent. "Some of Herbert's clothes are inthe wash, and I can't have them ready till evening."
"You had better come into the other room, Herbert," said the doctor. "Iwill introduce you to your new employer."
Herbert followed the doctor into the sitting-room. His first glancerested on Captain Ross, whom he knew. He went up and shook handswith him. Next he turned to Mr. Holden, and to his inexpressibleastonishment, recognized his opponent of the morning.
"Mr. Holden, Herbert," introduced the doctor. "Mr. Holden, this is theboy we have been speaking of."
"I have seen Mr. Holden before," said Herbert, coldly.
"Yes," said Mr. Holden, writhing his disagreeable features into anunpleasant smile. "We have met before."
Dr. Kent looked from one to the other in surprise, as if seeking anexplanation.
"Our acquaintance doesn't date very far back," said Mr. Holden. "We metthis morning between here and the mill village."
"Indeed," said the doctor; "you passed each other, I suppose."
"Well, no; I can't say we did exactly," said Mr. Holden, with the sameunpleasant smile, "We tried to, but the road being narrow, there was acollision, and I came off second-best."
"I hope there was no accident."
"Oh, nothing to speak of. I got tipped out, and my clothes, as youmay observe, suffered some. As for my young friend here, he rode onuninjured."
"You must excuse my not stopping to inquire if I could help you," saidHerbert; "but my horse was frightened by the collision, and I could noteasily stop him."
"Oh, it's of no consequence," said Mr. Holden, in an off-hand manner. Hewas determined not to show himself out in his true color
s until he hadgot Herbert absolutely under his control.
"But where is your horse, Mr. Holden?" asked Captain Ross. "I think youwere walking when you came to my house."
"I sent it back to the village by a man I met on the road, my buggybeing disabled."
"Your carriage wasn't much injured, I hope."
"Oh, no, not much."
"I don't see exactly how it could happen," said Captain Ross. "I thoughtthe road from here to the mill village was broad enough at any point forcarriages to pass each other."
"I didn't dream," said Mr. Holden, not noticing this remark, "that theyoung man I had engaged was my young acquaintance of the morning."
Herbert looked at him, puzzled by his entire change of manner--a changeso sudden that he suspected its genuineness.
The more he thought of it, the more unwilling he felt to live with Mr.Holden. But could it be avoided? He resolved to try. He accordingly toldthe doctor and Captain Ross of the promise that Mr. Keyes had made him.
"It would be a good place," said the captain; "but it ain't certain.Now, here's Mr. Holden, ready to take you at once."
"If I was in the mill village I could come over and see my friends herenow and then. Besides, I think I should like being in a store."
"Oh, I've got a store, too," said Mr. Holden, "and I should expect youto tend there part of the time. I don't think I can let you off, myyoung friend," he added, with a disagreeable smile. "I think we shallget along very well together."
Herbert did not feel at all sure of this, but he saw that it would dono good to remonstrate farther, and kept silence. Soon after, Mr. Holdenand Captain Ross rose to go.
"I'll call round for my young friend about nine to-morrow morning," saidAbner Holden, with an ingratiating smile.
"We will endeavor to have him ready," said the doctor.
After they went away Herbert wandered about in not the best of spirits.He was convinced that he should not be happy with Mr. Holden, againstwhom he had conceived an aversion, founded partly upon the occurrencesof the morning, and partly on the disagreeable impression made upon himby Abner Holden's personal appearance.