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A Cousin's Conspiracy; Or A Boy's Struggle for an Inheritance Page 5
A Cousin's Conspiracy; Or A Boy's Struggle for an Inheritance Read online
Page 5
"If you try to get up I'll put a bullet through your head," replied Luke,pointing at him with his own revolver.
In his excitement he had dropped his Quaker speech, and this the outlawnoted.
"Are you a Quaker?" he asked abruptly.
"No more than you are," answered Luke. "Farmer, bring out the rope."
Ezekiel Mason from the bottom of the buggy produced a long and stout pieceof clothes-line.
"What do you mean to do?" inquired the outlaw uneasily.
"You will see soon enough. No, don't try to get up, as you value yourlife. Now tie him, Mason, while I keep him covered with the revolver."
"We've had enough of this," said the outlaw sullenly. "Let me go and I'lldo you no harm."
"I don't mean that you shall, my honest friend."
"But if you persist in this outrage I swear that you will be a dead manwithin thirty days."
"Be careful how you talk or you may be a dead man within thirty minutes,"answered Luke.
While the outlaw was covered by Luke's revolver Farmer Mason, though histremulous hands showed that he was nervous, managed to tie him securely.Fox began to understand the sort of man with whom he was dealing andremained silent, but his brain was busy trying to devise some method ofescape.
At length the dangerous prisoner was securely tied.
"What shall we do with him?" asked Ezekiel.
"Where's the nearest prison?"
"At Crampton."
"How far away?"
"Twelve miles."
"In what direction?"
"It is four miles beyond Claremont," answered the farmer.
"Where you live?"
"Then we will go there first."
"But how shall we carry--this gentleman?" asked the farmer, who could notget over a feeling of deference for the celebrated outlaw.
"We'll put him into the back part of the buggy."
By the united efforts of both the outlaw, like a trussed fowl, wasdeposited bodily in the rear of the carriage, where he lay in a mostuncomfortable position, jolted and shaken whenever the road was rough oruneven.
"You'll repent this outrage," he said fiercely.
"Doesn't thee like it?" asked Luke, relapsing into his Quaker dialect.
"Curse you and your Quaker lingo!" retorted Fox, his black eyes sparklingvindictively.
"It wouldn't do thee any harm to turn Quaker thyself," suggested Luke.
"I'll be bruised to death before the ride is over," growled the outlaw.
"There is one way of saving you the discomfort of the ride."
"What is that?"
"I might shoot you through the head. As the reward is the same whether Ideliver you alive or dead I have a great mind to do it."
The outlaw was made still more uncomfortable by these words. He had whollymisunderstood Luke at first, and the revelation of his real character hadimpressed him not only with respect but fear. He did not know of what thispseudo Quaker might be capable. He longed in some way to get out of hispower. Force was impracticable, and he resolved to resort to finesse.
"Look here, my friend," he began.
"So you regard me as a friend? Thank you, Brother Fox; I won't forgetit."
"Oh, bother your nonsense! I suppose you are after the thousand dollarsoffered for my apprehension."
"You have guessed right the first time. I am not a rich man, and I don'tmind telling you that a thousand dollars will be particularly acceptablejust about now."
"So I suppose. You don't feel particularly unfriendly to me?"
"Oh, no. I might under different circumstances come to love you like abrother."
"Or join my band?"
"Well, no; I draw the line there. As a Quaker I could not consistentlyjoin a band of robbers."
"Who are you?" asked Fox abruptly. "You weren't raised around here."
"Where, then?"
"I came from Iowa."
"What is your name?"
"My friend, I haven't any visiting cards with me. You can think of me asthe Quaker detective."
"Then I will come to business. You want a thousand dollars?"
"You are correct there."
"Then I will show you a way to get it."
"I know one way already."
"You mean by delivering me up?"
"That would not suit me. Let me go and I will give you a thousanddollars."
"Have you got it with you?"
"No, but I can arrange to give it to you within a week. You see," addedthe outlaw dryly, "I have been prosperous in my business and can sparethat sum in return for giving me my liberty."
"I am afraid, friend Fox, that my chance of securing the money in that waywould be slender."
"I am a man of my word. What I promise, I will do."
"If you have so much money, why did you want to take the five hundreddollars of my friend here?"
"It was all in the way of business. Well, what do you say?"
"That I won't trust you. If I should take your thousand dollars forreleasing you I should be as bad as you are."
"Very well; drive on then," said the outlaw sullenly.
In less than an hour Ezekiel Mason's home was reached. When they droveinto the yard it made quite a sensation. Mrs. Mason and the hired manstood with mouths agape.
"Who have you got there, Ezekiel?" asked his wife.
"One of the Fox brothers!" answered the farmer in an important tone. "Meand my friend here took him."
Luke smiled and so did the prisoner, uncomfortable though he was.
"It would have taken a dozen like that fool to have captured me," he saidin a low voice, but only Luke heard him.
THE farmhouse was built after the model of many similar houses in NewEngland. It was of two stories, with the front door in the center and aroom on each side. Over the two stories was an unfurnished attic.
"Have you a secure place to keep our friend here?" asked Luke.
The farmer paused before he answered.
"I might put him in the attic," he said.
But here his wife interfered.
"I couldn't sleep if he were in the house," she said.
"Why not?" asked Luke. "You see he is securely bound and will be ashelpless as a child. Will you show me the attic?"
"Follow me," said the farmer.
They went up two flights of stairs and found themselves in a long room,the whole width of the house. Through the center rose the chimney. Thesloping roof was not plastered. The only furniture consisted of a cotbedstead and a chair.
"Is the attic occupied by any of the family?" asked Luke.
"Not generally. When I hire an extra hand at harvest time he sleepsthere."
"But at present there is no one occupying it?"
"Then I suggest that the bed will prove a good resting place for ourfriend below. I have no doubt he has often found himself in lodgings lesscomfortable."
"But," said Mrs. Mason nervously, "if he should get free during the nighthe might murder us all in our beds."
"There is little chance of that. When your husband bound him he did a goodjob. I wouldn't undertake to get free myself if I were bound assecurely."
"That's so!" said the farmer, pleased with the compliment. "He can't getaway nohow."
Over in the corner there were a couple of horse blankets which seemed tooffer a comfortable resting-place. Luke Robbins eyed them thoughtfully.
"I have an idea," he said. "Let the outlaw lie there and one of us canoccupy the bed. Then he won't be able to try any of his tricks."
"I would rather not sleep there," observed the farmer nervously. "Icouldn't sleep in the same room with one of the Fox brothers."
"Then if you couldn't sleep there you are just the man we want. You willalways be on the watch and can frustrate any attempt to escape."
"No, no," said Ezekiel Mason hurriedly. "Kate could not close her eyes ifshe thought I were alone with John Fox."
"No," answered Mrs. Mason with a shudder, "I won't let Ezekiel sleep inthe same room with that bold, bad man."
"I wouldn't be afraid myself," said the farmer, trying to keep up hisreputation for courage, "but I don't want my wife to be anxious."
Luke Robbins smiled, for he understood very well the timidity of his host."Then," he said, "as I have no wife to be anxious about me, perhaps I hadbetter sleep here."
"Yes, that will be much better," rejoined the relieved farmer. "You are abrave man. Mr. Fox won't get the better of you."
"Not if I can help it," said Luke. "Will that suit you, Mrs. Mason?"
"Why don't you take him on to the jail at once?" asked the woman. "I shallfeel worried if he spends the night in this house."
"I hear that he has escaped from jail no less than three times. If heshould do so to-night he would at once come here and perhaps bring some ofhis band with him. He knows there is a good sum of money in the house."
"I shall be glad when it is paid out," said the farmer's wife.
"Don't worry, Mrs. Mason. I have promised your husband that no harm shouldcome to him, and that the money should be secure and I will keep myword."
"So you did," said Ezekiel, brightening up, "and I will pay you what Iagreed if you keep your promise."
"Friend Mason," responded Luke, "I am playing for higher stakes than fivedollars. All depends on my keeping this outlaw secure. I mean to do it."
Having settled matters they went downstairs again, where they found theirprisoner waiting impatiently for their reappearance.
"Well," he said, "have you decided to let me go?"
"I am sorry to disappoint you, my friend," answered Luke, "but I don't seemy way cl
ear to do so."
"I promised you a thousand dollars if you would release me."
"Yes, but I haven't any confidence in that promise."
"You need not fear. In three days I would bring or send the money to youhere."
"Couldn't you oblige me with a check on the bank where you keep yourmoney?" asked Luke smiling.
"I keep my money in several banks," returned the outlaw.
"Where, for instance?"
"I had some in the bank at Lee's Falls, but I drew it out the other day."
"So I heard. Have you any money in the Emmonsville bank?"
"Yes, but I am not quite ready to take it yet. I can give you an order onthe bank if that will suit."
"Thank you; I doubt if the order would be honored."
"All this talk amounts to nothing," said Fox impatiently. "I tell you thatif you release me I will bring or send you the money."
"And how soon would you want it back again?"
"Whenever I saw my way clear to taking it," said the outlaw boldly.
"I like that talk. It looks square. I'll think over your offer, friendFox, and let you know in the morning what I decide to do."
The outlaw frowned. He evidently did not like the prospect of remaining incaptivity overnight.
"What are you going to do with me to-night?" he asked.
"We have a comfortable place provided," answered Luke. "Mr. Mason, if youwill give your assistance, we will show our guest where we propose to puthim."
"Unbind me and I will save you the trouble."
"No doubt; but there are some objections to that."
The outlaw was lifted from the wagon and carried upstairs to the attic.His ankles as well as his wrists were securely tied, so that he was unableto walk.
"Friend Fox," said Luke politely, "there is a bed and there is ashakedown," pointing to the blankets on the floor. "You can take yourchoice. I hope you will like your hotel."
"I shall like it better if it provides refreshments," replied Fox. "I amfamished."
"I am sure Mrs. Mason will furnish you with a meal. I will speak to her."
The outlaw seated himself on the bed and the cord about his wrists wasloosened so that he might be able to eat. This might have been regarded asdangerous, as affording him an opportunity to escape, but for two reasons.In a chair opposite sat Luke Robbins with a revolver in his hand, watchinghis prisoner sharply.
"If you make any attempt to escape," he said quietly, "I shall shoot. Nowyou understand and will be guided accordingly."
In spite of his unpleasant situation the outlaw could not help admiringthe coolness and resolution of his guard.
"You would make a capital accession to my band," he remarked.
"If that is meant for a compliment," said Luke dryly, "I thank you."
"You had better think it over. Join my band and I will make it worth yourwhile."
He fixed his eyes earnestly upon his captor to see whether he had made anyimpression upon him.
"When I start on any road," he said, "I like to know where it is comingout."
"Well, this road will lead to wealth."
"I don't read it that way."
"How then?"
"It will more likely lead to a violent death--or the gallows."
"I have been on that path for ten years and I am alive and----"
"A prisoner."
"Yes, at present; but I can tell you this, my Quaker friend, that the treehas not yet grown that will furnish a gallows for John Fox."
"Perhaps so, but I don't feel sure of it."
The outlaw's predicament did not appear to interfere with his appetite.When he had completed his meal Luke called the farmer and requested him totie his wrists again.
"You can do it better than I," he said. "Besides, I shall need to standguard."
The outlaw was left for several hours alone in the attic of the farmer'shouse. He felt far from comfortable, and he experienced greatmortification at the thought that he had been captured by a Quaker.
"I shall never hold up my head again--that is," he added after a pause,"unless I circumvent him and get away."
Fox dragged himself to the window and looked out.
"If only my brother knew where I was," he reflected, "he would soon turnthe tables on those clodhoppers."
But, as he knew, his brother was twenty miles away on a differentexpedition.
John Fox was a man of expedients. In his long career as an outlaw he hadmore than once been "in a hole," but he had never failed by some means toextricate himself.
It was not for some time that he bethought himself of a knife that he hadin his pocket. If he could get it out he would be able to cut the ropesthat bound him and escape, if he were not interfered with.
He looked out of the window again and saw Luke Robbins and the farmerwalking up the road.
"They think I am safe," soliloquized Fox, "but perhaps they may findthemselves mistaken."
He reflected with satisfaction that there was no one in the house but Mrs.Mason and himself. Yet as matters stood he was helpless even against her.
As it was uncertain how long his two jailers would be absent, it behoovedhim to escape as soon as possible. There was a difficulty in the way, ashis hands were securely tied together at the wrist, and he could notthrust them into his pocket and obtain the knife. But possibly by rollingover he might manage to make it slip out. It seemed the only possible wayto accomplish his object, so he at once set to work. Rolling over andover, he at length found himself in such a position that the knife--alarge jackknife--slipped from the gaping mouth of the pocket.
"Ha, that is the first step toward success!" he cried triumphantly.
Next he must pick up the knife and open it. This was easier than the firststep. His hands were tied at the wrist, but his fingers were free. Itseemed a simple thing to open the knife, but it took him some time. Atlast, however, he succeeded.
"That is the second step toward liberty," he said in a jubilant tone.
The next thing was to cut the cord that bound his wrists. That wasdifficult. In fact it took him longer than both the first steps together.It chanced that the knife had not been sharpened for a long time. Then thecord was stout and thick, and even had his hands been free it would havetaken him some time to cut it.
"If they should come back it would be maddening," he reflected, and as thethought came to him he looked out of the window. But nowhere were the twomen visible.
"They are fools! They don't know me!" said the outlaw.
He resumed his efforts to cut the cord. After twenty minutes the laststrand parted, and with a feeling of relief John Fox stretched out hishands, free once more.
His feet were tied, but with his hands at liberty there was littledifficulty in cutting the rope that tied them.
In less than five minutes the outlaw rose to his feet a free man.
He smiled--a smile of exultation and triumph.
"My Quaker friend will be surprised to find me gone. He will understandJohn Fox a little better. He will have to wait a little longer for histhousand dollars."
John Fox was himself again, but for the first time in ten years, exceptwhen he was the temporary tenant of a jail, he was unarmed.
"What has that fellow done with my revolver?" he asked himself. "If it isanywhere in the house I won't go off without it."
Half an hour earlier he would have been content with his liberty. Now hewanted his revolver, and his thoughts recurred to the money which thefarmer had drawn that morning from the bank. It was five hundred dollars,as Luke had rather incautiously let out.